Guinea Pigs Choosing To Live Separately

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Julie M

Forum Donator 2023/24
Jun 9, 2014
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As some of you know I built my guinea pigs a c and c extension on top of their old cage. I have seen them both in it. However they have chosen to live separately. Alby has claimed the top level as his own and Fudge has chosen to stay downstairs in the old bit of the cage. Fudge can be quite dominant to Alby, mounting and brrrr ing swaying his hips but they haven't fought to my knowledge as Alby is a submissive pig. Will they be ok living like this as it is their choice. There is food water hay and hiding places on each level. And they have access to one another if they want it. I just want my piggies to be happy.
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I think that you have made your boys very happy! Each has his own territory, but they can interact if they wish to. Not every piggy relationship is a snuggly one, but your boys are very spoiled indeed. I am sure that Alby is as a happy as Larry with his own little patch right now and enjoying it to the hilt!
Sounds like they are getting along just fine!

I have found that Tilly likes her own space at times whereas Hettie seems to want Tilly's company every minute of the day! At other times they are both snuggled together. Even if they are not always together, it is still lovely that they have each other there :)
Thanks all I was just worried they had chosen to live apart.
Once the first excitement has settled down, they will interact more again - but just as much as they want to! It doesn't mean that they are not well bonded. ;)
I've just seen your post and it's been a help to me too thank you, because one of my 3 seems to be on his own a lot lately and when the other two walk passed him they all sway their hips and rumble they will all sit together fine and eat and sometimes I will see them all in their igloo together I'm just noticing that as time is going by he's becoming more distant from his brothers....and he's the reason we had 3 piggies instead of two because we didn't want to leave him on his own lol. I'm now wondering after reading this if he will claim the upstairs of the hutch as his when we start using it again.
Fab pic of alby in his tunnel x
My two forster boys spend most of their day apart but during run time they do seek each other if spooked and they do sometimes snuggle up :-) just the way they are, not quite as loved up as previous pairs of boars ive had but they're happy enough with each other.
I was worried about my boys last year because when I would go to see them in the morning one would be upstairs in the hutch bedroom and the other would be in the downstairs hidey. A year on and they are never apart now! They don't snuggle as such but they are always within a foot of each other. If toby goes into a hidey and barney can't get in too he will lie down by the entrance until toby comes out and then they toddle off together.
They are having a rumble and teeth chattering session today. Fudge went upstairs, Alby did not like it, he was like a porcupine with his hair all fluffed up. Think they have to settle their differences again as they have been living separately for a couple of days. (Their choice ) hope they settle back down.
My Guinea Pig HATES other guinea pigs. When I found her she was kept separate from the other Pigs, I first thought maybe they had separated them for an age difference or because she was ill. I later found out she is a very anti-social and violent Guinea Pig, the staff had lots of problems with her and the other Pigs, even her own brothers and sisters. I wanted two Pigs for obvious reasons, but was smitten with her so I took her home. Animals have there own personalities and she is insanely tame with humans. I had never encountered it before with Pigs and was terribly afraid she'd get lonely but I've had her a year now and she's now showing no signs of loneliness at all. Weird...
Mine all have their own spaces. Over the years I have had ones who interact and spend a lot of time together, some prefer their own space. I think provided they have the space they need and the option to do what they want, then they will be more than happy. I do notice that mine do tend to cuddle and spend more time together in the winter despite the temperature in the shed being typically warmer than the house lol! I also think it's very easy to relay human emotions to animals and assume they may want company when maybe they just don't? Just being in a herd environment in case of danger is all they want sometimes. Plus cuddles from their slaves obviously!
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