Guinea Pigs Chattering?

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New Born Pup
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
Ok, so I know teeth chattering means they are angry, but why? My 2 little boys have been loving to each other for months, but today they started chattering. Pinto, who acts like the leader started chasing Jupiter some. I tried to calm them down by giving them water thinking they were just thirsty. It worked for a couple minutes, but then their fur started rising up and they were chattering at each other (and still are) sitting at opposite ends of the cage. They also throw in a low rumble every once in a while. I'm pretty sure they are brothers and have been getting along so I don't know why this is happening. Are they hungry? Maybe it is just a one time thing? Please help.

Also p.s. When I try to get near them to calm them down, Pinto turns around and chatters at me, soon followed by Jupiter, probably because he doesn't want to seem weak. Also btw Pinto likes to hog food and water at feeding and drinking time.
Ok, so I know teeth chattering means they are angry, but why? My 2 little boys have been loving to each other for months, but today they started chattering. Pinto, who acts like the leader started chasing Jupiter some. I tried to calm them down by giving them water thinking they were just thirsty. It worked for a couple minutes, but then their fur started rising up and they were chattering at each other (and still are) sitting at opposite ends of the cage. They also throw in a low rumble every once in a while. I'm pretty sure they are brothers and have been getting along so I don't know why this is happening. Are they hungry? Maybe it is just a one time thing? Please help.

Also p.s. When I try to get near them to calm them down, Pinto turns around and chatters at me, soon followed by Jupiter, probably because he doesn't want to seem weak. Also btw Pinto likes to hog food and water at feeding and drinking time.

It rather sounds like your two boars have hit the teenage months!
You may find these threads here helpful for the tricky period ahead of you. Thankfully, more pairs of boars make it through than not, but all depends on the individual combination of personalities.
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Maybe they are becoming teenagers. Thanks for your help, also they have stopped for the moment.
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