Guinea Pigs Bullying?

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Ami Norman

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 5, 2015
Reaction score
Newcastle, England
Hi I'm a new piggy owner!, ive had my piggies about 4 days now, there about both sows, there 8 weeks old and both lived together before i got them, at first they were obviously very skittish and hid away in there hidey house for hours on end, but now there getting used to there cage and their surroundings, one of them has become a bit of a bully, seems to headbutt the other for no reason to move it out the way, and will not let the other into the hidey house at all and everytime she approaches she squeals straight away and chases her out!, they both seem to be quite happy and they both also popcorn a lot which seems like a good thing, but is there any way i can try and prevent this, or may one of the sows be in season thats why shes suddenly mad, just feel helpless for my piggy and theres nothing i can do, any advice would be great, thanks :)
Hello, Welcome to the forum.

Always best to have two houses this means both piggies have somewhere separate to go. We use fiddlesticks as they have an entrance in and out

It may be season but is most likely dominance been established, normally this behaviour will die down. Have a read of these threads.on sow behaviour

How big is your cage?

What are your piggies names?
I'm not actually sure how big my cage is!, and dont have a tape measure handy, ive actually just ordered a bigger cage as i feel this one is just not big enough!, ive actually just bought another hidey house and I'm praying it arrives soon!, and they are called maisy and daisy :) ive actually just ordered this!, wish i had gone for something bigger now!, really wanted a c&c cage but just dont have the room, and i never even thought about a box, what a good idea:)

They will really need the extra room as they get bigger, you'll only get away with a 100cm for a while unfortunately. Perhaps see if you can exchange, I know it seems a long way off until they grow but they soon shoot up and then space becomes a premium... Be lovely to see some photos of them at some point. If you have any question please feel free to ask.
Hi and welcome!

What you are witnessing is perfectly normal dominance behaviour as your two girls are setting up their own hierarchy in new surroundings. it often comes as a shock to piggy newbies that guinea pigs can be very dramatic (especially youngsters) and that their behaviours can be quite forceful. The submission squeaking is usually mistaken as pain, whereas is not; it is just used as a deterrent. Any nipping is usually very carefully judged to just let the underpiggy feel the teeth without breaking the skin; it is simply a common gesture of power. You will find that your girls will become best of friends once the shape of their relationship has been established. Give them time!
You may find the sow behaviour and the dominance threads in the link below answer most your of your worries on that issue.

Here is our "starter kit" of information threads for new owners, which will hopefully aid you in understanding your guinea pigs better, but also help you make sure that you settle them in well. We have got more information at the top of our various Care section, but you are always welcome to ask any questions you may have.

As we have got members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state/province or your UK county to your details, so we can tailor any advice to what is available and doable where you are. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. thank you!
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