Guinea Pigs and college(advice needed)


New Born Pup
Jan 29, 2023
Reaction score
Olathe KS
Hello everyone! I am Addison, and I am considering getting Guinea pigs. I have done extensive research, and am very excited. Me and my sister are each getting one, but I’m a little worried about what to do when I go to college. I go to college in 2024, so in the next year-ish. My sister said she’d take care of my pig with hers while I have to live on campus my first year, but that I can take mine back once I can live somewhere that allows pets. Obviously, I can’t be sure if my sister will still want to do that in a year, and I was wondering if anyone has faced the same problem. It would be great if I knew someone to give them to for a year, and then take them back but I don’t. Should I wait until my sophomore year to get a Guinea pig, or go along with the plan? Any advice is appreciated!
G'day, Addison!
In a few months, I'll be going on a holiday and so have been faced with the same problem (how do I make sure the guinea pig is cared for). I've found that some vets offer a boarding service. Maybe you can do the same? Is there a vet near you, and if so do they also offer a guinea pig boarding service?

If I’m understanding correctly - you are saying one piggy would be yours and one is hers. When you move away you would take your piggy with you by itself. And her piggy would also then be left alone with your sister. If this is correct, then I would suggest you reconsider the plan.
Guinea pigs are highly social animals and need to be kept in pairs at all times. You should not really consider any plan which means they are split up at any point.

If you want a pair of piggies for yourself that you can keep together, then personally I would wait until you are in a stable position to keep two together for their whole lives and live somewhere which allows them.
I have to agree, I wouldn't split a bonded pair of piggies and take one away. They must always live in a pair. I would wait until things are more settled for you and consider getting a pair then 😊
:agr: I would strongly avoid committing to a long lived pet at this point in your life.

The problem is that when you go to college you have no idea where this will lead you. You might end up going home far less than you envisioned, you might find you end up living in accommodation that is not pet friendly after you first year.
You will be busy, not only with school work but also socialising and having all of the wonderful experiences that being at college brings.
Now is not the right time to bring a living creature that will rely on you for 5+ years into you life.

Plus you won't be able to spectate the pigs once they are bonded as this would be deeply unfair to them, so if you sister doesn't want them, and you can't take them what will actually happen to them.
If the plan is potentially to split 'your' pig and 'her' pig... please reconsider. Pigs are social animals. They don't know that one belongs to the other sibling. Splitting a bonded pair is unfair to both of them. So if you're planning on getting pigs, go in with the idea that the average lifespan is 5 to 7 years and they should be housed together the whole time.