Guinea Pigs And Bunnies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 12, 2016
Reaction score
North Dakota, USA
Can guinea pigs be in the same cage as bunnies? I didn't think they could, but I just got home from the pet shop and they had a cage with about 3 pigs and a bunny.
No. Guinea pigs and bunnies should not share the same cage. Bunnies can seriously hurt guinea pigs. Also, they need to have different diets from each other to stay healthy.
Although it is not recommended, for the reasons above. along with the additional fact that rabbits actually find guinea pigs wheeks very frightening (rabbits only reach such volumes in moments of utmost fear and distress), so especially single bunnies with guineas can be quite stressed. It sadly is not actually Illeagal for pets hope or anyone to house them together. Despite the fact that in the UK the animal welfare act states that animals must "have freedom to exhibit normal behaviours" and loving with the same species (or without any companions depending) is within that banner. Buns should be with buns & pigs should be with pigs :(
Piggies and bunnies should not be kept together in the same cage for reasons of health, diet and safety. Bunnies can seriously injure piggies, have different dietary requirements and also carry a bacteria called bordatella in their poo that is not harmful to bunnies but is harmful to piggies.
My old housebun used to socialise with the piggies at floor time and they got on well. But they had separate accommodation to go home to after playtime.
Guinea pigs and bunnies should never be kept in the same cage as they have different dietary needs and also if the bunny gets scared it could kick the guinea pig causing massive injuries and sometimes death. I know someone who does keep a bunny and piggie togever, they absolutely love eachother. Nothing has ever happened between them and that have been togever for 4 years
My first guinea pig lived with my sisters rabbit. They seemed to get on okay until the day I had to take my pig to the vet.

When we got back I think the rabbit had decided he enjoyed the hutch to himself and chewed a big bit of my pigs ear.

I was devastated. I was only 15 and there was so much blood. Thankfully piggy was okay and lived on his own after that.
Very frustrating that pet shops do this. I went into one of our local shops and told them about the risks (bordatella, etc). Went back a few weeks later and the rabbit and guinea pig were still together. Such a shame as people are likely to take an example from a pet shop.

Shame about the totally inadequate housing that they sell too *sigh*.
Can guinea pigs be in the same cage as bunnies? I didn't think they could, but I just got home from the pet shop and they had a cage with about 3 pigs and a bunny.

No guinea pigs and rabbits should not be kept together.
Guinea pigs and rabbits (including a link the current RSPCA recommendation on that subject)
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