New Born Pup
I got two guinea pigs, Terra and Nora, a few months ago. Terra, a 2-year-old rescue, got sick initially but seemed to recover with vet medicine. Later, I added two more guinea pigs, Stanley and Cocoa. Then, Nora who's 4 months old, got sick, separated and treated, Then Terra, the original sick one, got The two new guinea pigs, Stanley and cocoa, sick. Terra had been lethargic ever since her original sickness, but the vet suggested it was due to the summer heat, All have some health issues now (except Nora, she's still seperated), like slight crackling sounds and uneven breathing. And Stanley, the newer one, has a infected eye, possibly conjunctivitis. I told my mum and she said that it's not normal for them to constantly be sick, and to move them outside but I don't know if that's the best choice because if they did I wouldn't be able to get them a proper outdoor house.
My routine includes daily cage cleaning, twice-weekly washing, daily hay change, and open windows from 6 am to 9 pm. I am unsure if the cage setup is causing the sickness. They use meadow hay, and I am unsure on what to do, I think rehoming then would be the best course of action, because they are always getting sick, and I can afford food, toys and hay etc, but I can't afford all the vet bills. Would rehoming be the best course of action?
My routine includes daily cage cleaning, twice-weekly washing, daily hay change, and open windows from 6 am to 9 pm. I am unsure if the cage setup is causing the sickness. They use meadow hay, and I am unsure on what to do, I think rehoming then would be the best course of action, because they are always getting sick, and I can afford food, toys and hay etc, but I can't afford all the vet bills. Would rehoming be the best course of action?