Guinea Pigs always hiding!


New Born Pup
May 1, 2024
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Hey guys! I recently just bought 2 baby female Guinea pigs. I’ve got them to eat veggies off my hand, they sometimes let me pet them during it too. However, they don’t really do much throughout the day other than stay in their hide. I’ve got them for about 2 weeks now. Is this normal behavior for Guinea pigs adapting to a new home even though they’re pretty comfortable with hand feeding veggies etc? How long does it usually take for baby Guinea pigs to finally get used to their new home and become more bolder? Help and replies would be greatly appreciated, thank youu
Welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of guinea pigs.
Your little ladies are doing brilliantly if they're already handfeeding and letting you pet them.
Generally most of our furry little overlords tend not to be very active during the day, unless you open the fridge!
I saw that most Guinea pigs tend to wheek when it’s veggie time, but mines just stay in the hide until the veggies are actually brought out right in front of them! But it’s good to know that they don’t tend to be active during the day. Thank you!
Ir takes weeks, months, sometimes years before they settle in. they are all individual and how they behave is going to vary - some always remain nervous.

Not It all piggies wheek at veggie time! One of my boys is 6 years old and I’ve only heard him excitedly wheek once or twice in those six years. He is the most nervous piggy even now all these years later. The other two were confident from day 1.
Mischievous Master Boris is our designated wheeker, if he's busy or too slow about it he gets prodded into action 😂