Guinea Pig Won't Stop Fighting Younger Guinea Pig


New Born Pup
Jan 10, 2024
Reaction score
united states
Hi, I have bit of a bonding problem and I cannot seem to figure out how to solve it. I've have 8 guinea pigs over the years and have been able to bond them successfully. However, awhile ago I got a new piggy named Rocky. There are two others I'm trying to bond him with, Einstein and Cataldo. Einstein seems to be fine but Cataldo instantly fights with him. His hair begins to stand up and I've had to separate a couple fights to the point where Rocky is separated from the other two completely. They can only interact through the bars.

It seems like Rocky doesn't want to fight and is doing normal bonding behaviors but Cataldo doesn't want to back down no matter what. This makes me scared for Rocky's well being because he wants to be with them so bad and gets really excited (popcorning and running around). Cataldo and Einstein get along just fine so I'm not sure what to do going forward.
It seems you are trying to bond three boars. Is that correct?

If so then I am afraid adding a third boar to a bonded pair will almost always fail (there are a few exceptional circumstances where it might work but usually it won’t). Boars need to live in pairs as they find it very hard to form a functioning hierarchy when there are more than two. The fact they are fighting shows they don’t like each other and can never be together.

They will need to live side by side in separate cages with Einstein and Caltado as a pair if they still want to be together (sometimes attempting to add a third boar can also ruin the bond between the original two), and then leave Rocky in A separate cage alongside the pair. They can interact between the bars only.
Rocky will be fine living like that, but you could also get him his own new friend and then have two separate pairs.
Please do note that interactions between the bars are not always a sign they want to be together - some are simply territorial behaviours and a willingness to fight to protect their territory

Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?
Assuming they are all boars? If so please separate immediately and do not attempt further reintroduction. A boar trio is a recipe for disaster- the most unstable grouping. I’m sorry but it’s not going to work in the long term.
Assuming they are all boars? If so please separate immediately and do not attempt further reintroduction. A boar trio is a recipe for disaster- the most unstable grouping. I’m sorry but it’s not going to work in the long term.
Okay. I was just confused as I use to have 4 boars bonded together and it went smoothly for me. What should I do about Rocky since I know guinea pigs need a companion?
Okay. I was just confused as I use to have 4 boars bonded together and it went smoothly for me. What should I do about Rocky since I know guinea pigs need a companion?

You were incredibly lucky to have had a quartet work previously. They are the exception. Quartets are even more unstable than trios.

As per my reply, can live in a separate cage side by side with your pair. That way he can interact with them between the bars and he won’t get lonely. That is companionship enough for him. The other option is to adopt another piggy (ideally via dating if possible so you don’t end up with another failed bond) for him to live with as a pair
You were incredibly lucky to have had a quartet work previously. They are the exception. Quartets are even more unstable than trios.

As per my reply, can live in a separate cage side by side with your pair. That way he can interact with them between the bars and he won’t get lonely. That is companionship enough for him. The other option is to adopt another piggy (ideally via dating if possible so you don’t end up with another failed bond) for him to live with as a pair
thank you so much, I think for now I'll just have them interact through the bars
thank you so much, I think for now I'll just have them interact through the bars

He will be fine like that. You may see territorial behaviours but they will calm down.

I have two single boars who live side by side quite happily. I also have a bonded pair of boars who live in the same shed with them.