New Born Pup
I'm looking for some help and advice please. I took my 3 year Lola to the vets this morning as she wasn't eating (she had been a bit fussy with her food for a few days and I thought she was bored of what I was feeding her so I gave her some different fresh food and she was eating ok and still eating her dried food and hay) but yesterday evening I noticed she hadn't eaten her fresh food and she was sniffing it like she wanted to eat it couldn't . To cut a long and worrying story short I took her to the vets this morning and they said her teeth are the problem, the inside of her mouth is quite inflamed. They weighed her and her weight had dropped to 780g. They have given me metacam 1. 5ml per day and some critcal care. The vet said that if we could get her to have the critical care over a few days and get her to put on some weight they would like to do her teeth under anaesthetic at the end of next week but if we couldn't get her to have the critical care then she would like to do it Monday before she loses anymore weight. I have tried to feed her the critical care and she hates it. I have mashed up banana and strawberry with it. I bought some pureed plain veg and fruit and mixed it in and she still won't eat it and becomes distressed when I try, I can't even get her to have any water and I'm so worried about her. I have looked at all the advice on here about feeding a reluctant piggy but it hasn't helped. Does anyone have any advice if they have had an similar experience with feeding and also about feeding Lola after she's had her treatment. I'm really worried that if we're not in a good place when she has her anaesthetic if she isn't eating now that she will be in a worse place after. I have called the vets in Northampton and they don't have an appointment available until 25th Jan so this is my only option.
She's on EmerAidIC herbivore.
She's on EmerAidIC herbivore.