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guinea pig with missing hair


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
United Kingdom
i’ve treated him a while ago with a mite treatment just to make sure but why has he got missing fur on his back and whenever i go near it he will itch it


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Were mites diagnosed by the vet and with a proper strength treatment used or was it a treatment on spec yourself without diagnosis and bought from a pet shop?
I ask because a mite treatment from a pet shop is too low dosed and not likely to be properly effective in killing the mites. They can suppress the mites but often owners find the mites return due to the treatment not being good enough or done in a proper course. We are also seeing the odd case is resistance and using low dosed pet shop products can fuel such resistance making treatment harder.

Mites need to be diagnosed by the vet first (fungal infections can sometimes look like the same as parasites but a mite treatment will be totally ineffective against a fungal infection). The treatment then need to be dosed by weight and done in the correct length course; that is three separate treatments two weeks between wean treatment.

Is it just that patch that he is scratching?
I’m also wondering if it is isolated to that space whether it isn’t mites at all and that there was a cyst or such like which may have burst? It might just be how it looks on the picture but it looks like there might be a bit of a hole?
before there was missing hair there’s was a scab that he kept scratching. a while ago i adopted a guineapig that came with very bad mites i took him to the vet n it was confirmed i was told i can buy ivermectin so i bought one that everyone recommended and it fully cured him. 'TREATMENT Day one, drop on the ear. Day 4 drop on the ear, and from there, once a week for three weeks.'
i used it for my guinea pigs just to make sure they are clear from any of that. but yeah i will take him to the vet and see what they say
Were mites diagnosed by the vet and with a proper strength treatment used or was it a treatment on spec yourself without diagnosis and bought from a pet shop?
I ask because a mite treatment from a pet shop is too low dosed and not likely to be properly effective in killing the mites. They can suppress the mites but often owners find the mites return due to the treatment not being good enough or done in a proper course. We are also seeing the odd case is resistance and using low dosed pet shop products can fuel such resistance making treatment harder.

Mites need to be diagnosed by the vet first (fungal infections can sometimes look like the same as parasites but a mite treatment will be totally ineffective against a fungal infection). The treatment then need to be dosed by weight and done in the correct length course; that is three separate treatments two weeks between wean treatment.

Is it just that patch that he is scratching?
I’m also wondering if it is isolated to that space whether it isn’t mites at all and that there was a cyst or such like which may have burst? It might just be how it looks on the picture but it looks like there might be a bit of a hole?
i also don’t buy treatments from pet shops as that’s the worst place to buy it
Were mites diagnosed by the vet and with a proper strength treatment used or was it a treatment on spec yourself without diagnosis and bought from a pet shop?
I ask because a mite treatment from a pet shop is too low dosed and not likely to be properly effective in killing the mites. They can suppress the mites but often owners find the mites return due to the treatment not being good enough or done in a proper course. We are also seeing the odd case is resistance and using low dosed pet shop products can fuel such resistance making treatment harder.

Mites need to be diagnosed by the vet first (fungal infections can sometimes look like the same as parasites but a mite treatment will be totally ineffective against a fungal infection). The treatment then need to be dosed by weight and done in the correct length course; that is three separate treatments two weeks between wean treatment.

Is it just that patch that he is scratching?
I’m also wondering if it is isolated to that space whether it isn’t mites at all and that there was a cyst or such like which may have burst? It might just be how it looks on the picture but it looks like there might be a bit of a hole?
there’s no hole just a small scab and missing hair
before there was missing hair there’s was a scab that he kept scratching. a while ago i adopted a guineapig that came with very bad mites i took him to the vet n it was confirmed i was told i can buy ivermectin so i bought one that everyone recommended and it fully cured him. 'TREATMENT Day one, drop on the ear. Day 4 drop on the ear, and from there, once a week for three weeks.'
i used it for my guinea pigs just to make sure they are clear from any of that. but yeah i will take him to the vet and see what they say

Xeno is the most commonly used treatment which is three separate treatments with two weeks between each treatment. I’m not sure which product is treatment on day 1, day 4 and then once a week for three weeks.

Definitely see the vet as an isolated scab may or may not be mite related