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guinea pig with blurry eye and a whitish spot in the pupil


New Born Pup
Jan 3, 2023
Reaction score
Hello, my guinea pig has a cloudy eye and a whitish stain on the pupil. I'm afraid it's a possible cataract. Can anyone tell me what it could be? I went to the vet and she said it could be discharge but I don't think it is because he doesn't have liquid in his eye but small blood marks around his eyelid. I'm taking him to the vet next week for a better diagnosis, but I'd like to hear your opinion. thank you very much
I’m afraid we can’t not tell what it could be as we cannot see it nor can we make any diagnosis but eye issues can occur as a result of many things - haypoke causing ulceration, cataracts is a possibility, abscesses etc.
Haypokes are very common injuries for piggies to sustain - there aren’t many of us who haven’t had it happen - and cause the eye to go cloudy where ulceration occurs. Antibiotic eye drops and pain killers are needed in this event following diagnosis using fluorescent dye. Only a vet can make a diagnosis though.

Please do get him seen by a vet asap as eyes are considered urgent.

I hope he is ok
If it appeared quickly, I'm wondering if it's a hay poke injury that should be treated promptly with antibiotics and pain relief. Pigs tend to run head-first into hay and eye poke injuries are really common... cataracts are also common in older age but take time to develop and, with my cataract pigs, you would see signs of low vision before seeing any actual changes in the eye. Definitely get a second opinion, as eye injuries hurt and can deteriorate quickly!
I would treat this quickly and get a vet appointment sooner if at all possible. Eyes are the same with all pets and your vet should give you Antibiotics and pain relief in the form of metacam if it’s hay poke or perhaps a small piece of hay in the eye, that needs checking too. My Kiki had three tiny pieces of hay under her eyelid when the vet examined her and hay poke. It’s easily treated if caught quickly but not something that you want to leave for any length of time