Guinea pig winter blues

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Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
Because the weather has been so awful lately and because of the dark nights, I haven't been able to have my girlies out as often as I do in the summer months. I have been working all weekend and hubby has had a stinking cold which hasn't helped. I noticed this morning that Eleanor in particular was just kind of slumped in her dome. I took her out of the hutch immediately to check she was OK and she seemed fine. Both girlies are now out on the landing (central heating switched off up here) and both of them are running around like mad and seem much happier. Is it possible for guinea pigs to suffer from the winter blues?
Ah bless them. Maybe just give them half an hour or so in the house each evening and more at the weekends and you will see a difference. :)
TBH, I'd be concerned about the sudden changes in temperature from the cold outside to the relative warmth of the house and back again. Is there anywhere else you can exercise them?
When my piggies come indoors for exercise, they either play in the kitchen or on the landing. We don't have heating on during the day and the radiators are turned off on the landing and in the kitchen so it isn't that warm. I have been doing this for the last 2 years and they have been fine :)
Would an indoor cage be an option? That way, you don't really need to dedicate specific time to them as you will be around them anyway. :)
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