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Guinea Pig UTI - Sulfatrim dosage query


New Born Pup
Aug 4, 2022
Reaction score
North Somerset

just wondering if anybody can give some advice on the sulfatrim dose my guinea pig has been prescribed please.

0.23ml Once Daily for five days

pig weighs 0.9kg

its just the once a day that confuses me as usually twice daily? Plus I have six guinea pigs and have had antibiotics in the past, including sulfatrim for a respiratory infection but twice daily and higher dosage.

She has been in a lot of discomfort with blood in her urine, the blood has gone but she is still not back to her normal self and we have almost finished the course. I want to query this with the vet but unsure if this could be correct or where to look.

Thank you
The best bet would always be to check with the vet who prescribed the dose in the first place.
As they have seen the piggy in person they are best placed to give a proper response.

It sounds like you have a lot of piggy experience, so clearly must have a vet who knows what they are doing!