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guinea pig urinating on herself, wet fur


New Born Pup
Jan 4, 2023
Reaction score
California, United States of America
My guinea pig has started urinating on herself. The fur on the right side of her back and right underside is wet all the time now. I rinse off the urine and dry her hair twice a day but I have read that guinea pigs urinate up to 96 times per day. I would like her to be dry and not smell like urine but I can only do this a limited number of times. She appears not to like the hair dryer very much either. The vet said to bring her in if we start to see a skin rash or anything abnormal on the skin, which has not happened yet. She recently recovered from an episode of bladder pain which the vet says is caused by bladder stones.

Has anyone had this issue? What was the cause in your case? What did you do about it if anything?

We have tried her on the Sherwood brand urinary support tabs which do not seem to be making any difference.
Has she had any investigations or tests so far? It could be a UTI that needs treating or something else. I've had piggies with incontinence issues for ovarian cysts and arthritis too. Obviously it's not always easy to diagnose but vets generally start with ruling out the most likely suspects until they find an answer.

You could wait until she starts getting urine scalds but that doesn't resolve the problem behind this and she could be in discomfort
Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m so sorry your piggy is unwell. Has she been diagnosed with bladder stones by an X-ray or scan? Bladder stones don’t disappear. If she definitely has them she can either try to pass them in her pee if they are small enough or they will need removing with an operation. If she has bladder stones she will need some pain relief as they are very painful.

Is your vet used to dealing with piggies? If not you may need a second opinion.
Welcome to the forum.
I agree that a vet trip would be good to find out if there’s any issue.
Hope everything will be easily resolved
Hi and welcome!

My sow also gets damp and smelly at the back end, due to lying in her wee. She was diagnosed with arthritis last year, it meant she was not moving much so the urine was wetting her fur. Her back end fur also got quite matted until we got the arthritis pain under control with Metacam.
If your piggy is at the older end, it might be a good idea to have her checked for arthritis (my sow is 6 years old).