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Guinea Pig Unresponsive

C&C <3

New Born Pup
Jul 29, 2018
Reaction score
Hi, I've had my guinea pigs for about half a year now and recently, one of them has started not reacting to me or anyone. He still and moves moderately slower than usual, however, he still runs up and squeaks when i give them their veg. Usually, if you accidentally stroke his head, he will thrust his head up, but now he doesn't respond and just sits still. There was a sudden change in temperature recently - from really hot to average English weather, so a lot of rain. Could that have anything to do with this sudden change in behaviour? Thanks in advance
Hi, I've had my guinea pigs for about half a year now and recently, one of them has started not reacting to me or anyone. He still and moves moderately slower than usual, however, he still runs up and squeaks when i give them their veg. Usually, if you accidentally stroke his head, he will thrust his head up, but now he doesn't respond and just sits still. There was a sudden change in temperature recently - from really hot to average English weather, so a lot of rain. Could that have anything to do with this sudden change in behaviour? Thanks in advance
Update - my other pig is perfectly fine and unaffected by the weather change?
I would advise a check up at the vets. As they’re really really good at hiding illnesses until they’re seriously ill. It’s usually small changes that the owners notice first.
Agree - even if there is nothing wrong you will be reassured but a vet check should always be first act if a piggy is behaving unusually
Hope all turns out well.
Keep us posted
Sorry for the late reply, thank you all so much, I think a vet check will have to be in order! Once again, thanks for all the advice