Guinea pig threw himself off my lap!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Halifax, West Yorkshire
I've never had any problems with him before ... he was just sat on my lap, cuddled in a fleece, eyes half closed. Then suddenly he leapt off and went crashing to the floor (he landed on a TV box on the way down). He seemed a bit stunned and wouldn't let me pick him up, but eventually I got him. He seems OK (it was only about a 1ft fall) but I'm still pretty shocked. I think he was trying to get to the parsley plant, which I keep on a table next to my chair. :...
I had albert do something simlair, I was putting him away in his cage and he lept from my arms, No joke but time stood still i did a slow mo Noooooo and caught him just cm way from him hitting the floor....stuipd piggy. I did bash his head on the the cage bars though, so checked him out and had him on my knee for a little while. He was fine. hasent tried it again though! :(|)
My cottonbud will attempt to suicide jump if she is desperate for a wee if we are having cuddle for too long as she won't go outside of her cage. I have had to do the mid air catch where your heart stops and the world slows down. Keep and eye on him and check all his legs
Seems to be a day for guinea's going crazy and jumping from places they shouldnt.

This morning whilst cleaning out and sorting one of my piggy rooms, i open up joe's cage. (Now this is a pig that has been EXTREMLY ill and not very active at all) He then did a lunge out of his cage and luckly onto the run below (which has two boars in) The two boars just looked up as if to what is she doing now! only to discover there was another guinea looking down.

Needless to say he is ok, i think i was abit more worried than he was. He is now just sitting happily in his cage.

Hope everybody else is ok with their recent escapades
Suicide jump is right! Its terrifying. My Dolly will let you nurse her all day [*]usually [/*]- but if she's not in the mood give her 5 mins and she's off! No warning, no care for where she might land. Last time she pretty much landed on the dog's nose! I was terrified. But Dolly and Bruno were just a bit bemused!
Suicide jump is right cleaned the boys this morning no problems till bambi i didnt bend quick enough to put him in home & he caught his nose my poor baby he was ok after a cuddle & is ok now

just keep a eye on your little one xx
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