Junior Guinea Pig
I've been a piggy mammy for less than two months. But already I can understand why people love them so. I had a death in my family two days ago. My great aunt passed away after quite a tough weeks weeks. She was like a nanny to me as all my grandparents are unfortunately long gone. The last few days have been rough, but I've found such comfort with my piggies. Rosie, who's coming up to four months old. I sit just watching her run about her cage, eating anything she can get her paws on, and occasionally wheeking when she's found something that makes her happy. And Rachel, who only came to us 3 days ago, and is about seven weeks old. Although she hides out most if the time, she seems to really enjoy being held, making the most glorious sound when I gently rub her sides. They've kept me calm and focused which I really needed. So yeah. Not much of a point to this post, just that I really love my piggies