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Guinea Pig suddenly passing away


New Born Pup
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
Hi there, I'm new here so please bear with me.

To fill everyone in, I got my two little guinea pig babies in November 2021, I had them growing up and always wanted my own when I had the space. I have two little brothers, Koda and Bear. The whole time I have had them had no issues when them not eating, or drinking. Koda had to go to the vet once or twice as he had a couple of issues, but always got a clean bill of health from the vet. However, with Bear, I never had any concerns and he never showed any signs of being unwell or in pain. I would always do the same checks weekly when
doing the cage clean out, would make sure their nails were fine, no nicks or anything on their ears that would show they were fighting, and their teeth to make sure their eating healthy, and their bums to make sure there wasn't any issues. They were always 100% fine, then yesterday they were both fine and active during the days and they ate their food and their peppers and hay as they did. I had to leave the house for the night for a hen do, and on returning home, I found Bear in the corner of the cage not moving. I sprung into action and got him out. He was solid as if he had completely frozen. His tongue was swollen in house mouth and his toes and feet were purple. His body was cold. It was so out of the blue for me and if I had known anything was wrong I have taken him to the vet immediately, but as I mentioned Bear never showed any signs of being unwell, and with him only being 2-3 years old it wouldn't make sense. It's honestly heartbreaking and I got a little guinea pig-sized soft toy in with Koda so he doesn't feel alone. I know I will never truly know what happened but I just wonder if anyone has had a similar scenario. Any tips on how to help my other little one get through? I have attached little photos of them out getting cuddles, the brown and white one was bear, and the grey multi toned one is Koda. The other pic was when they were little baby.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Sadly sudden illnesses, strokes or heart attacks can happen at any age.

The guide below explains how to look after a bereaved piggy.
A soft toy, I’m afraid, isn’t going to provide any type of companionship for Koda.

Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
I just have a small toy that has Bear’s scent on it while I look for a new little buddy for him, I wasn’t prepare for this just like anyone else would be in my situation too. So it’s just a small teddy that will keep him comfortable until I can get him a new friend. It’s exactly what it says on that little form too that you can use a little teddy that is the same size as them and if it smells like their companions.
I am so sorry to read this, sending hugs. This happened to me, it’s so shocking when one minute they are fine, the next gone. Take heart whatever caused Bear to pass it was sudden and he didn’t suffer x Have a read at the bereavement guide, it will help you all

Sleep tight little man 🌈
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Just to add my voice (one of many) as we suddenly lost one of our ladies at 2.5y a couple of weeks ago. It's hard not to start blaming yourself when you can't find any blame elsewhere, but I'm sure he had a lovely life and it was just his time to go x

Edit: Pretty sure the phrasing of this came across poorly (it's past my bedtime...). I intended to reassure that you probably didn't do anything wrong - there was nothing to miss, and nothing to feel guilty about. Grief and guilt often go together and it's especially pernicious when there's not a clear cause of death. Please be kind to yourself :)
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A little update for everyone about Koda,
He’s finally back to his normal little self and is eating his dry food again, is drinking like normal and is back to hating his cuddles 🤭 we had a proper clear out of the cage and he had a proper bath (which he also hated cause that meant nail clipping and a trim and brush of his long hair) so he’s come to terms with everything and is all back to somewhat normal 🥳


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Sending love n hugs. That’s what Koda needs now- plenty of attention. Don’t blame yourself, you are a great piggy mama ❤️