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Guinea pig stitches


New Born Pup
Mar 8, 2023
Reaction score
Hi! So my female Guinea pig Avi just got spayed and it’s been about 7 days with everything going well. We check her incision 2x a day, and today we noticed more new blood, I put the flash to it and it looked like a surface wound that she got from taking off a scab. It worries me and I’d like to hear anyone’s insight on this
Hi! My vet's instructions say to gently disinfect it with a cotton bud and their usual disinfectant or diluted Betadine in a 1:10 ratio. If it stays dry, let it be. Best of luck ❤️
If you are at all worried then you can send a photo to your vets, they don’t mind. You often find a little fresh blood when a scab drops or is scratched off. If the skin looks pink not red and it is not angry looking then it should heal up fine