Guinea Pig Staring

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New Born Pup
Aug 12, 2015
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So I have 2 male guinea pigs, Tank and Napoleon. They get along great and I love watching them play together. I know all guinea pigs have different personalities and it's funny to watch between the 2 piggies but Napoleon does something strange. He will just sit and stare. Most the time he's staring out the cage almost like he's staring at me. Or he'll be in his house staring out the door at me, again. Or he'll just be starting in the middle of their habitat, alert, looking at nothing in particular. He eats normal, plays normal, and drinks water normal as well. I'm just wondering if anyone else's pig does the same thing and if it's a normal thing!
Hi that sounds?? a lot like an epilectic condition that humans get , it is called
adsenses, it is a petit small seizure,

you will probabaly never know whether or not your pig has epilepsy
but lf he were my pig l wouldn't disturb him during one of these possible episodes

lt may be helpfull to look at human petit small to get a better understanding .
if you google epilepsy in cats, there is plenty to read on the condition.
Piggies can also sleep with the their eyes open. One of mine does it regularly. Used to freak me out.
So I have 2 male guinea pigs, Tank and Napoleon. They get along great and I love watching them play together. I know all guinea pigs have different personalities and it's funny to watch between the 2 piggies but Napoleon does something strange. He will just sit and stare. Most the time he's staring out the cage almost like he's staring at me. Or he'll be in his house staring out the door at me, again. Or he'll just be starting in the middle of their habitat, alert, looking at nothing in particular. He eats normal, plays normal, and drinks water normal as well. I'm just wondering if anyone else's pig does the same thing and if it's a normal thing!

Guinea pigs are prey animals and mostly sleep with their eyes open; they have an unfocused look then. They can sleep sitting up. ;)

I have also had guinea pigs staring hard at me when they wanted me to tell that dinner time was up and I needed to feed them.
My piggy Rolo does that! I know what your mean, they're not sleeping. Rolo lies down but with his head up right sitting in front on the plexiglass staring at me, he does it a lot it's pretty funny...but also scary dun dun....DUNNN!
Cesaro does it as well and no he's not sleeping either, you can tell when he settles for a sleep :) He stirs at Aidan my son a lot, where he sits is next to Cesaro's cage :)
Some pigs will sleep with eyes open... in that case, that spaced out staring mode may be an indication that a pig is catching a quick nap while still maintaining some basic alertness. I've had some pigs that will flop and sleep with eyes shut, but I had one in particular who I quite never saw lay down or close her eyes for more than a blink during the entire 18 months that I had her. She was very tightly wound! LOL! But even with pigs that lay down to sleep, I've definitely seen that 'unfocused' look at times with multiple pigs, so I don't think it's a sign of problem so much as a pig that has just spaced out for a few moments. It happens to me all the time at work! ;)
l think it is like a lot of things , it depends on the individual , and perhps how vunrabal they are feeling .l have just
been down to see my guys , and those that dident wake up had there eyes closed and a cople had them oppen .

But my marge is asleep under the pig room radiator and her eyes were closed , she is snugeling next to her new partner Daisy , a litte Torty sow

Daisy is a mear handfull of a pig and she is a fragile little thing , she looks like she is confused , and she bobs here head up and down

l would like to think that she feels maternal , content and safe , but l have always been a bit soppy :shh:
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