Guinea Pig Stacks poo


New Born Pup
Jun 9, 2022
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So I have two male guineas (almost 2 months of owning these two) living together and there's a big cage with lots of hay where they usually poop and pee. There's also an extension that goes from the cage outside where there are some comfy hiding houses!

Ever since my last cleanup I noticed that presumably only one of the guineas is stacking his poop into heaps inside the houses. I'm not sure if this is a dominance or laziness thing but no other guinea pig I had ever did this. Have you ever seen this behaviour before? What could it mean?

Piggies cannot be litter trained and while they will go where they eat (so catching it in certain areas is incidental rather than trained) they will poop everywhere particularly inside hides if that is where they are resting. I can certainly remove a lot of poop from inside houses and tunnels
All but one of my boys just poops where they are, the houses/beds are always full of poop, if there's enough of it it will pile up. One of my new boys pops his bottom out of his house and poops, because it's a restricted space it goes into a little pile until I remove it. Don't know why he does it but I wish they would all do this, it makes cleaning up after him so much easier. I don't have to put my hand into the house to retrieve poop. :))
Some of my piggies have preferred corners for doing their business (and corners that will be practically pristine at cage cleaning time), others just poo wherever. I did have one pair that we referred to as 'Oscar and Felix' because one was a very neat and tidy piggy and the other was ... not so much (pooed everywhere and always seemed to have it in her toes, which she had too many of to make it hard to get out); neat and tidy piggy also detested to piddle in the carrier or while you were watching and would look at you if you offered her critical care on a spoon or dish like 'that will make me dirty ... it goes in a syringe, and don't you dare get it on my chin.'
Hector is the only one that has a “poop corner” all the others just poop everywhere, inside their cages including their beds