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Guinea Pig Squealing in Pain when Moving Bowels/Peeing


New Born Pup
Jun 29, 2023
Reaction score
Newark, NJ

My guinea pig has been squealing in pain when peeing/pooping for the past week. I called my vet as soon as I saw symptoms, but they can't see me for another 2+ weeks. At first I thought he was constipated because his poops were smaller but now I think it may be a bladder issue because he is urinating much less frequently. Any advice on ways I can ease his pain/symptoms until we can see the vet? Thank you!
There is nothing you can do other than see a vet. I would try to call other vets in your area to see if you can get him seen. 2 weeks is too long to wait with these symptoms I’m afraid.

Guinea pigs do not get constipated. If your piggy is not pooping as much or his poops are smaller then it is because he is not eating enough. Please ensure you switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily so you can more closely monitor hay intake. You may need to step in and syringe feed him if he is losing any weight.

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Good luck I hope you can get into a vets sooner and your piggy is soon on the mend.
Please do try to get him seen sooner. It’s possible that he could have bladder stones/sludge that can have a terrible outcome if not treated promptly.

As previous poster mentioned, try to introduce a recovery food via syringe if he’s not eating.

Good luck and I hope you are able to get him seen by another vet sooner.
Thanks everyone for your advice so far! Peanut is continuing to eat and drink normally, maybe slightly less than usual. He still wants all the veggies and gets very excited about his hay ❤️ I will continue to monitor and weight him. Hopefully can get him into another vet sooner but sadly not having much luck in North Jersey.
Thanks everyone for your advice so far! Peanut is continuing to eat and drink normally, maybe slightly less than usual. He still wants all the veggies and gets very excited about his hay ❤️ I will continue to monitor and weight him. Hopefully can get him into another vet sooner but sadly not having much luck in North Jersey.

Could you call your vet daily to see if they have any cancellations?

If his poops are smaller then it can mean his hay intake has already been impacted. Poop output is 1-2 days behind food intake so by the time you see reduced poops it can mean a piggy already hasn’t been eating enough hay for a couple of days. Pain will stop a piggy eating enough hay and given it is 80% of food intake, any reduction means a big impact. They often do still want their veggies even if unwell.
You cannot gauge hay intake by eye (they can appear to be eating hay but it doesn’t mean it is enough) which is why the lifelong weekly switching to daily weight checks when unwell are essential. As you have said he seems to be eating a bit less than normal then he must be syringe fed to replace any reduction in hay intake. With the amount if syringe feed which needs to be given dependent upon what the daily weight checks tells you.
Thank you to everyone for your advice! I took Peanut to the emergency vet and they gave him x-rays but he didn't have bladder stones so they gave me medicine to treat him for a uti. I've also been syringe feeding him Oxbow Critical Care from the vet to make sure he doesn't go into stasis. He's doing so much better! Hoping my lil man fully recovers!
Sending Peanut healing vibes, I hope he gets well soon. I am so pleased you managed to get him seen.
Thank you to everyone for your advice! I took Peanut to the emergency vet and they gave him x-rays but he didn't have bladder stones so they gave me medicine to treat him for a uti. I've also been syringe feeding him Oxbow Critical Care from the vet to make sure he doesn't go into stasis. He's doing so much better! Hoping my lil man fully recovers!
I’m so pleased there are no stones. Sending healing vibes his way ❤️
Well done for getting him seen. I’m so pleased there were no stones - such a relief for you. Hope he continues to do well.