Hello, looking for some advice.
My guinea pig has started squeaking when peeing and has peed some blood occasionally. I have taken her to the vets who have tried antibiotics, anti inflammatory medicine which haven't helped. She went in for an x-ray today to see if there was any bladder stones but her x-ray is clear. My vet is now going to speak to an exotic specialist but has anyone experienced a similar issue? She is still eating and drinking fine along with running around the cage normally.
My guinea pig has started squeaking when peeing and has peed some blood occasionally. I have taken her to the vets who have tried antibiotics, anti inflammatory medicine which haven't helped. She went in for an x-ray today to see if there was any bladder stones but her x-ray is clear. My vet is now going to speak to an exotic specialist but has anyone experienced a similar issue? She is still eating and drinking fine along with running around the cage normally.