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Guinea Pig Sneezed After Cage Cleaning?


New Born Pup
Aug 13, 2018
Reaction score
Hi! I have three guinea pigs and two of them I just recently brought into my family, and now they’re all living happily together! They have all been getting along, eating, chasing each other, popcorning etc, and things have been smooth. However, today, something concerning (yet pretty coincidential) happened. Right after I finished sweeping their fleece, they all came out of hiding (they HATE the brush, haha) to eat and one of my new ones began to sneeze. I didn’t think anything of it until it continued, and continued, and continued... She sneezed around 15 times in about two minutes and then it stopped and everything went back to normal. It seems like she was doing that because I had swept the cage and her nose was irritated, I know I sneeze like that whenever I do it, but it was rather scary. She hasn’t made a peep since. I feel as there’s no way she just happened to sneeze that many times after not showing any signs of illness JUST after I swept the cage. Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Anything is appreciated, I worry so much about my babies!
Hi! I have three guinea pigs and two of them I just recently brought into my family, and now they’re all living happily together! They have all been getting along, eating, chasing each other, popcorning etc, and things have been smooth. However, today, something concerning (yet pretty coincidential) happened. Right after I finished sweeping their fleece, they all came out of hiding (they HATE the brush, haha) to eat and one of my new ones began to sneeze. I didn’t think anything of it until it continued, and continued, and continued... She sneezed around 15 times in about two minutes and then it stopped and everything went back to normal. It seems like she was doing that because I had swept the cage and her nose was irritated, I know I sneeze like that whenever I do it, but it was rather scary. She hasn’t made a peep since. I feel as there’s no way she just happened to sneeze that many times after not showing any signs of illness JUST after I swept the cage. Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Anything is appreciated, I worry so much about my babies!
One of my gpigs used to do this right after a clean out. Could be nothing like mine was. Keep an eye out for any nasal discharge or crusty eyes or any clicky breathing. Chances are it was just dusty hay. Guinea pigs nasal passages are very narrow, it doesnt take alot to irritate them
If you are at all worried take your Piggy to the vet. A vet would rather see a healthy piggy with an anxious owner than an ill piggy with an owner who has left it too late . It will also put your mind at rest.