Junior Guinea Pig
Hi all,
We recently fostered an eldery sow named Smudge who was depressed at the animal sanctuary we fostered her from.
So we had Smudge for two weeks and during that time she put on weight and seemed happy when bought out of the cage for cuddle. We fell in love with her and so decided to adopt her.
We currently have a herd of 2 x sows and 1 x neutered boar. As Smudge has suffered from loneliness in the past we thought it would be nice if we integrated her into the herd. The introduction on neutral ground was quite stressful. Poppy, our bottom sow seemed to take an almost instant dislike to Smudge and there was mutual teeth chattering and some chasing and it ended up that Smudge was teeth chattering to any of the herd that came near.
So after about an hour and a half of introducing, Smudge's demeanor suddenly changed. Instead of standing her ground and teeeth chattering she would run away and keep her distance. She also just stood on the spot a lot without moving as though scared.
At this point we thought we would try and put them in the cage (disinfected of course) to see what happened. Basically Smudge has become ultra submissive to the herd - Archie mounted her without any resistance, as did our oldest sow Peaches. Poppy chased Smudge around the cage a few times nipping at her heels until Smudge made submissive squeaking noises.
It's all sort of settled down now but Smudge is just sat in one of the archway-tunnels almost motionless as though she is scared stiff to leave the hidey or is somewhat traumatized/depressed by the whole experience. Is it possible a Guinea Pig can be happier on their own than in a herd? How long typically should it take for her behavior to become more normal from the state she is in now?
It's only the first day so I hold out hope that it is part of settling in process but would appreciate any guidance on this.
We recently fostered an eldery sow named Smudge who was depressed at the animal sanctuary we fostered her from.
So we had Smudge for two weeks and during that time she put on weight and seemed happy when bought out of the cage for cuddle. We fell in love with her and so decided to adopt her.
We currently have a herd of 2 x sows and 1 x neutered boar. As Smudge has suffered from loneliness in the past we thought it would be nice if we integrated her into the herd. The introduction on neutral ground was quite stressful. Poppy, our bottom sow seemed to take an almost instant dislike to Smudge and there was mutual teeth chattering and some chasing and it ended up that Smudge was teeth chattering to any of the herd that came near.
So after about an hour and a half of introducing, Smudge's demeanor suddenly changed. Instead of standing her ground and teeeth chattering she would run away and keep her distance. She also just stood on the spot a lot without moving as though scared.
At this point we thought we would try and put them in the cage (disinfected of course) to see what happened. Basically Smudge has become ultra submissive to the herd - Archie mounted her without any resistance, as did our oldest sow Peaches. Poppy chased Smudge around the cage a few times nipping at her heels until Smudge made submissive squeaking noises.
It's all sort of settled down now but Smudge is just sat in one of the archway-tunnels almost motionless as though she is scared stiff to leave the hidey or is somewhat traumatized/depressed by the whole experience. Is it possible a Guinea Pig can be happier on their own than in a herd? How long typically should it take for her behavior to become more normal from the state she is in now?
It's only the first day so I hold out hope that it is part of settling in process but would appreciate any guidance on this.