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Guinea Pig Scabs


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 25, 2018
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Hey, Guys! It's me again. Now, as some may know, I had to separate Lalo and Harold but their cages are right next to each other. Harold is fine and running around all happy. Lalo is being his lazy cute self but recently, I've been seeing Lalo act..strange. Very strange. It started with scratching. He's a bed head guinea pig, fur sticking in whatever direction it wants, and I've noticed he keeps scratching himself, so bad to where he bleeds. I clip their nails but it never helps Lalo. And when it heals, it itches and Lalo tears it back open. I gave him a bath because he had bad dandruff but it's gone now. And he still does it. Could it be his diet? I give them carrots, guinea pig food and hay with a few treats. Separation anxiety maybe? Or is he just an itchy guinea pig? He's also been standing between his food bowl and hay stack, just staring at the wall. That's all he really does. Do I have to move Harold away or what? I made him a tent in hopes it would cheer him up, it did, for a day. I'm just worried about my baby. Scabs cover his tummy side and it's heart wrenching to hear his squeaking when he itches those painful spots. His cage is clean. He's clean. My room itself is clean (OCD) so, I don't know what it could be. Any pointers?
It could be many things, only a vet can diagnose. I would take him to the vet cos to be that itchy isn't normal and he must be so very uncomfortable!
Mites can make them really itchy so you'll need to take him to the vet for appropriate treatment. Good luck!
Hey, Guys! It's me again. Now, as some may know, I had to separate Lalo and Harold but their cages are right next to each other. Harold is fine and running around all happy. Lalo is being his lazy cute self but recently, I've been seeing Lalo act..strange. Very strange. It started with scratching. He's a bed head guinea pig, fur sticking in whatever direction it wants, and I've noticed he keeps scratching himself, so bad to where he bleeds. I clip their nails but it never helps Lalo. And when it heals, it itches and Lalo tears it back open. I gave him a bath because he had bad dandruff but it's gone now. And he still does it. Could it be his diet? I give them carrots, guinea pig food and hay with a few treats. Separation anxiety maybe? Or is he just an itchy guinea pig? He's also been standing between his food bowl and hay stack, just staring at the wall. That's all he really does. Do I have to move Harold away or what? I made him a tent in hopes it would cheer him up, it did, for a day. I'm just worried about my baby. Scabs cover his tummy side and it's heart wrenching to hear his squeaking when he itches those painful spots. His cage is clean. He's clean. My room itself is clean (OCD) so, I don't know what it could be. Any pointers?
Vet is the only person to correctly diagnose any health problems.
Stress can cause mites to appear so although you are diligent with cleaning etc it’s not a problem you can clear up by cleaning!
Vet is the only person to correctly diagnose any health problems.
Stress can cause mites to appear so although you are diligent with cleaning etc it’s not a problem you can clear up by cleaning!
Meant to add, take both piggies as Vet will also need to check his friend out too. X
Okay! I'll schedule an appointment right away! Thanks you guys so much! ♥
Very bad news..I talked to the people who sold me Lalo. They know a lot about guinea pigs because she sells them and owns plenty. She told me that they definitely sound like mites. She said before I schedule an appointment, she recommended to try over-counter stuff because apparently the vet I was going to go to, they weren't that good. They told me mom to basically hope for the best when my cat got sick and sent us home. Luckily, our cat got better. So, I'll have to look more into vets. So, I couldn't find any guinea pig mite but the woman told me if I find a bird version, it typically works for all small animals, including reptiles! I found one. Poor Lalo didn't enjoy it and neither did Harold. But, I'm still looking into vets. The bad news? Lalo got thrown into a seizure this morning..It scared the life out of me. My mom and I quickly reacted. He's lost a lot of his weight but the good news? I put the spray on him and it's been two hours since then. He only weeked in pain once from scratching (I then reapplied it to that area), He's eating up all his food and drinking more than he has in the past few days. He enjoys the soft material I put in his cage to calm down the itching but he also likes to lay in his hay because that will itch him without harm. Whatever makes him comfortable. I just really hope this works. I can't imagine how scared or hurt he was when he got thrown into that seizure. I wish I would had realized and acted sooner to the whole mite thing. I know it can be fatal. But, I'm glad I found out now. Better than never. I'll keep you all posted. Right now? He's munching on some hay. Harold keeps putting his front paws on his own cage so Lalo can see him, they don't chatter but Harold squeaks, like letting him know he's there and it warms my heart. When Lalo seems in distress, Harold is still there for him and will even week with him to catch my attention. Matter of fact, it was Harold who weeked a ton to catch my attention that Lalo was in a seizure. I thought Harold got hurt until I say him staring at me. He's a great little brother. So far, the boys are doing great though. I'll keep you guys posted on more. Wishing for the best would really help me out right now. Thanks. ♥
I am very sorry, but it is clear your guinea pig is in huge distress from mites.
They burrow under the skin and cause them an immense amount of pain and discomfort.
Bad infestations will eventually cause seizures, which is what you are seeing now.

Sadly over the counter remedies will sometimes ease the symptoms for a short while, but the problem will return.
Medication you can buy without a prescription is simply not strong enough to treat the problem fully.
Plus spray on treatments are always a no no for guinea pigs with their sensitive respiratory systems.

Please try and have your boy seen by a vet as soon as possible.
Because you have started to self treat it would also be good tot take along what you are using to help the vet decide on the best course of action.
You boy is in great discomfort, and needs to be treated by a professional as soon as possible.
Hi you’ve had great advice from @Swissgreys please get him seen by a vet as soon as possible and stop using the over the counter treatment.

If it is mange mites (which it sounds like but only a vet will be able to properly diagnose) he will need an injection of Ivermectin Asap - if you use self treatments they aren’t strong enough to sort the problem and by continuing to use them it means the vet isn’t able to give full dosage of the necessary medication.

There is a recommended vet locator in the main menu that lets you see the closest vet to you that is recommended as guinea pig savvy.

You really need to get him seen tomorrow. Sending healing vibes I hope he is okay!
Ps if Harold has been in contact with Lalo he may need treatment too. I would take him at the same time in a separate box and the vet may want to give them both an injection to be on the safe side.
Well, there are problems with the vet. I'm not only trying to find a good vet but I need a... affordable one. I have a big family, we are tight on money and I don't make enough to get the two boys seen and given medicine. I know what you're thinking, why have a guinea pig if you can't afford the vet. Well, my last job did support me that good but things went South with that job and I had to get a new one. I wish I could see a vet tomorrow but currently, I can't afford that. I wish I could but it's so hard to find an actual affordable vet for two guinea pigs.

And is everyone sure it's bad mites? I mean, mites are terrible but Lalo has been itching for a couple days. Would that really throw him into a seizure or is there anything else that can cause it? I'm not trying to say it's not the mites but, just in case, is there anything else that can cause a seizure in a guinea pig that I can help prevent?

Update though. Lalo is so much better. Oh my God. And don't worry, I didn't spray his face. I just let a few drops on his fur and I rubbed it in. He rarely itches now. He results to licking or slightly nibbling but I rarely hear him crying. He's been good all day. He ate his carrot, his food and hay along with water. He's been napping a little but and he even ran around like his old self! I'm very happy. He seems extremely in less pain. None of his wounds opened up like they normally would. He's more active and communicative. Harold hasn't itched at all. So, I mean, it's a start. You know? A really good start. I can try to get a donation or something started for the vet but, by tomorrow? I don't know if I can do it by then. Thank you guys for the help, this seriously means a lot to me and my boys. I want to take the best course of action for their health. If it makes anyone feel better? Lalo is currently playing with his hay. He's tossing some of it around and stepping/stomping in it while Harold is "popping" and running around. Lalo even tuckered himself out from playing and running around today. ♥ I'm super happy that Lalo is starting to play again and run around. Again, I want the best for them. This advice means the world. Thank you guys for caring about my Piggy's just as much as I do. ♥♥♥
Update: Huge thanks to the best girlfriend ever. My girlfriend of almost two years agreed to take me to the vet this Sunday and even help chip in on the prices. She was there with me when I bought them both so, she cares just as much as I do. I can't help but be so excited to know that Lalo and Harold will get the treatment they'll properly need! Wish us luck! I'll post more on or after Sunday! ♥♥♥♥♥
(I made a new post bc I couldn't find this one but I finally found it. Sorry) So , Lalo had a little check up. Luckily, I knew this person so, I got a discount but the whole medicine is too much right now. They recommended that I used "Neem oil". It supposedly kills mites and eggs. Leave it in their fur for 48 hours? Boil the oil first and then wait to cool and then rub it on Lalo? Does anyone know if this actually works? My girlfriend and I could only find "Garden Safe: Neem oil extract". It does say it kills mites but what concerns me Is it was in the gardening section and it says to not get it on skin nor animals. I assume boiling it would take all the harmful things out? I'm not completely sure. She said this will help tremendously but I just want to double check. Any pointers?