Guinea Pig Routines

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Savvy Cavy

Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 5, 2014
Reaction score
Every experienced guinea pig owner knows that routines are needed and very important in a guinea pigs life!

I was thinking we can all share our routines to give ideas to new guinea pig owners.

~Savvy Cavy :cool:


1. Wash out all food bowls and water bottles.
2. feed them. (hay pellets vegetables)
3. spot clean


1. playtime
2. spot clean while they have play time
3. fill up hay and give them the other half of the vegetables


1. laptime
2. i say good night to the pigs.

I might have missed something but thats basically it on a week day.
I totally don't have any... except that I come in and feed and water them twice a day, everyday lol They don't seem to be suffering for it :) Sometimes they get a paper bag if I've gotten something from the bakery- bags are Spikes favourite. I clean their cages every two to three days but I don't have a set routine for that either :) I randomly let them out for run time during the week too.
My routine for Maisy and Poppy


Put cover up
Give piggies pellets and veg
Bring piggies inside for snuggle time and floor time
Refill water bowl
Put guinea pigs back outside and give a heat pad if necessary

Afternoon only on weekends

Spot clean cage
Refill water bowl
Check pellet supply
Refill hay rack


Give extra hay
Bring guinea pigs inside for snuggle time and floor time
Bring piggies back outside
Put the cover down
Give heat pad later in evening
Hope guinea pigs are warm enough and survive the night!:)
The Daily Routine for My Eight.

Fill up pellet bowls and hay racks.
Fill fresh water bottles.
Prepare pigs veg and greens.
Replace water bottles.
Do a spot clean.
Replace any badly soiled bedding.
Empty and clean litter trays.

Get one pig out for hours cuddle.
If time allows, get another pig out for cuddle.

Late Afternoon
Refill bowls and bottles.
Check hay racks.
Go to work.

After 10. PM
Come home from work.
Check bowls, refill water bottles and hay racks.
Go to bed!

Remove pigs from cages.
Vacuum cages.
Replace any soiled fleeces or bedding.

Once a Month.
Replace all bedding.
Clean wooden huts with hutch spray or steam cleaner.
Replace dirty fleece liners.
Wow, you are all so organised. The only strict routine I have is a bit of veg in the morning and hay must be topoed up twice a day. Other than that its a cleaning out twice a week, nuggets in the evening, laptime as often as possible (most days) and twice a week brushies for the hairy ladypigs! Manicures usually once a month on average, and weigh-ins every couple of weeks :)
Individual routines can vary quite a lot. They have to fit in with your own life and work. Your guinea pigs will adapt, as long as they know what is coming up.

Routines differ quite a lot, depending on the number of piggies/number of cages or hutches, whether you are at home/work from home or not or whether the guinea pigs are family pets or adult pets and how much free time for roaming/playtime you have etc. A summer routine will vary from a winter routine.
Uncover my girls
Take them outside from their indoor hutch
Give them fresh water
Give them nuggets
Give them fresh fruit and vegetables
Give them hay
Replace any badly soiled bedding
Do a spot clean

They go out in the run (only if the grass is dry and it's above 5°c) for an hour
Grooming time and teeth and body check
Going over their tricks

Put them back in the indoor cage
Give them fresh nuggets
Give them grass
Give them fresh hay
Replace water
Give them another cuddle
Cover them up

Clean both hutches
Clean bowls and bottles

Once a month:
Disinfect both cages.
I don't have time to see my piggies in the morning but after school I go out and see them and give them cuddles. After their cuddles I give them some more hay. Then later on in the evening I spot clean their cage give them fresh water, more hay, new pellets and give them their veggies
Love hearing everyones routines! I am new to the world of guinea pigs but after just three months I can't believe just how much I have fallen for them! They make every day a bit brighter!

The routine I've gotten into:

Empty food bowls and refill with fresh food (Oxbow)
Refresh water
Spot clean/replace high traffic areas with fresh wood shavings
Shake out fleece
Replenish hay
Veggies served (about 1/2 cup per piggy)

Floor play time

Veggies served
Spot clean cages
Shake out fleece and fluff and prepare bedding for nighttime
Replenish hay and food (Oxbow)
Give Vitamin C supplement

Fully clean and wash cages every 4th day.

I also visit them throughout the day, talking to them, or picking them up for cuddles!
My routine for Dr Pepper:


Refill water
Top up the hay rack and pellets
Bowl of veggies
Give piggies pellets and veg

Afternoon only on weekends:

Full cage cleaning
Refill water bowl
Check pellet supply
Refill hay rack
Lap time or floor time

Give extra hay
Spot clean the cage
Floor time and lap time

Every 2-4 weeks
Nail clipping
Cool thread idea! Its fun seeing everyones routines :D For us we don't have a super strict routine...

Fresh Water
Fill Hay Rack

Heat up Snuggle Safe
Spot Clean
Fill Hay

Lap times and play times are not scheduled as my life is quite hectic. The boys demand their food before spot cleaning thought or nothing will get done as Norman will sit in the dustpan in protest until he gets food to prevent me from cleaning first LOL
Well I take their veggies out at around 8.15 before we leave for school! (They sit waiting and squeezing if I'm late on a weekend!)
When I get back at lunchtime I go and see them for a chat and a cuddle - hopefully some grass too depending on weather!
When the kids get back they go and see them - replace hay and pellets if necessary!
Then at 6.30 I take them out more veggies and zip them up for the night!
I've just got a heat pad so I guess I'll take that out later in the evening! X
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