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Guinea pig respiratory problem? Help!


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 25, 2023
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Hey guys, please read and help:

So I had two boar brothers - Charles and Billy - and Billy really sadly passed away a few weeks ago. I got Charles a new buddy so he wouldn’t get lonely and called him Frank. Frank was 8 weeks old, and they got along almost instantly and it was so great to see Charles happy again.

Not even 24 hours after bringing Frank home I noticed he was making a clicking noise while breathing, and it wasn’t going away so I messaged the woman I bought him from, she offered some “anti-inflammatory” medicine for him (I have no idea what it was). I was giving it to him for about a week, and the clicking stopped but I noticed he would start wheezing while wheeking as well as sneezing. He was eating fine/running around/ being so affectionate.

I got concerned so I told the woman I was planning on taking him to the vet. The next morning he seemed more lethargic than usual, I separated him from Charles (something I know now I should have stupidly done ages ago), and he started like falling over as if he was losing balance. On the way to the vet he started seizuring (for literally a good 30 minutes), he was on one side and it looked like he was trying to run and his head was tilting back, it was horrific. I felt awful and couldn’t even help him as it was pretty obvious he was dying. He died almost 5 minutes after we got to the vet, heartbreaking as he was too young.

Anyway I think he got some sort of bacterial infection from the place the woman breeded him? I know she also has mice and rats and all sorts of animals so looking back I really should have thought twice before getting a new guinea from her.

Now Charles has started sneezing (and wheezing while wheeking) and I’m just so so worried. He is eating fine and his behaviour is completely normal but I know how good Guinea pigs are at hiding illness.

I took him to an emergency vet after the first time I heard him sneeze. They said he seemed fine after checking his heart and breathing (and other basic checks). I still booked an appointment with an exotic vet because I have a huge feeling he’s caught whatever Frank had.

He’s had an X-ray and a swab test done. The swab test is going to take a few days to get the result from, the X-ray did show some stuff around his lungs and heart but they weren’t sure what it was?

They gave us quite broad antibiotics called Marbocyl (as they don’t know what it is yet) and powder called Bisolvon which is supposed to help with mucus.

He’s been on that three days now, his eating and everything is completely fine still, he has no discharge from eyes or anywhere. But is still sneezing and only wheezes when he wheeks from excitement for food.

Has anyone experienced stuff like this before? I’ve been going CRAZY on Google and lots of stuff I’ve read about URI’s, bacterial infections and pneumonia and none of it looks good for Guinea pigs.

The vets sounded confident but I’m really not, I know how quickly Guinea pigs can go downhill and I just can’t lose Charles after what happened to Billy. He is literally my world and I will literally pay anything to get him better.
I’m sorry to hear this and I’m sorry for your losses.

An antibiotic is obviously needed for a bacterial infection, and bisolvon will indeed help.

Please do switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh Charles daily while he is unwell. This will help you more closely monitor hay intake and will enable you to step in with syringe feeding if he reduces his hay intake through being unwell.

Hopefully the meds will help and he will be on the mend soon.

Weight - Monitoring and Management
I’m sorry to hear this and I’m sorry for your losses.

An antibiotic is obviously needed for a bacterial infection, and bisolvon will indeed help.

Please do switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh Charles daily while he is unwell. This will help you more closely monitor hay intake and will enable you to step in with syringe feeding if he reduces his hay intake through being unwell.

Hopefully the meds will help and he will be on the mend soon.

Weight - Monitoring and Management
Thank you for the reply! Yes I have been weighing him daily and no changes yet which is positive! He seems very keen to eat

Have you had experience with Guinea pig and lung problems before and then getting better?
That’s excellent news - keep up with those weight checks daily. It’ll enable you to step in promptly if there is.
Lots of us have experienced respiratory issues, with good recoveries.
You actually did what would be recommended for Frank's sake by putting the two together - 8 weeks is very young for a baby to be on their own. But yes, the forum always recommends seeking out 'rescue' piggies (from reputable rescues as opposed to someone's Facebook 'rescue') at least in part because they've been vet-checked so in theory you should know what you're getting. I'm so sorry for your losses x

Some Rescues do 'boar-dating' where you take your lad along so he can pick his own friend. It's relatively straightforward although it can be a bit stressful in the short-term. The fact is that even if your pair get along when one is a baby there is just as much chance of the proverbial hitting the fan when baby enters his 'teenage years', so you're essentially just deferring the point where you find out whether they get on well enough or not. It's something to consider for when Charles is feeling a bit better. Get well soon Charles x
You actually did what would be recommended for Frank's sake by putting the two together - 8 weeks is very young for a baby to be on their own. But yes, the forum always recommends seeking out 'rescue' piggies (from reputable rescues as opposed to someone's Facebook 'rescue') at least in part because they've been vet-checked so in theory you should know what you're getting. I'm so sorry for your losses x

Some Rescues do 'boar-dating' where you take your lad along so he can pick his own friend. It's relatively straightforward although it can be a bit stressful in the short-term. The fact is that even if your pair get along when one is a baby there is just as much chance of the proverbial hitting the fan when baby enters his 'teenage years', so you're essentially just deferring the point where you find out whether they get on well enough or not. It's something to consider for when Charles is feeling a bit better. Get well soon Charles x
That’s really helpful thank you very much!
It would be really great for Charles to sort of choose his own buddy from a rescue and then hopefully they could be the same age too. I will check some ones out nearby when he gets better.
I’m also worried about him being all alone, obviously he can’t be around any other piggies as he could make them sick, but feel sad for him all alone :(
That’s really helpful thank you very much!
It would be really great for Charles to sort of choose his own buddy from a rescue and then hopefully they could be the same age too. I will check some ones out nearby when he gets better.
I’m also worried about him being all alone, obviously he can’t be around any other piggies as he could make them sick, but feel sad for him all alone :(

He will be ok to be alone until he is better.

Age is not really relevant when it comes to finding a new friend, it’s character compatibility which is the vital factor.
Just spend some time with him yourself in the short term. Me and George spent a lot of time together after he lost his friend during lockdown and we couldn't find another piggy for a while. Timid George learned to trust that I would be gentle with him. He eventually got new friends but now he is old and needs handling a lot for his various conditions he still trusts that I won't hurt him 💕
Just spend some time with him yourself in the short term. Me and George spent a lot of time together after he lost his friend during lockdown and we couldn't find another piggy for a while. Timid George learned to trust that I would be gentle with him. He eventually got new friends but now he is old and needs handling a lot for his various conditions he still trusts that I won't hurt him 💕
aww, thats so so sweet :)
to be honest Charles' behaviour has changed since he's been alone, he is a lot more brave. His brother was always the brave one and now he is stepping into his shoes