Guinea Pig Relationships.

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jun 23, 2010
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Random topic of the evening folks!

:)) Do piggies have different relationships with their own species? Ie. Best friends, brother bond, father/daughter, 'huspig' etc?

I've noticed with Harvey and Arite they have a very close bond, and are always there for one another like two brothers.

I was expecting with Tabby and Percy-Roo to have a close loving, 'lets sleep in the same pigloo' type of bond too.

However I've noticed in the past few days they have a more father/daughter relationship, Percy-Roo will show Tabby the ropes, she follows him around and copies everything he does (if he sniffs the air, Tabby does the same, if Percy eats hay, Tabby eats hay).
She is also so cute, like today, Percy decided to find a nice comfy spot in the cosie and get some peace from Tabitha, as he was dozing off Tabby circled the cosie several times as there wasn't a spot for her to go into too (although she had a perfectly nice cosie of her own) so after five minutes of circling she dived into the cosie/ ontop of Percy, shuffling close to him. Percy seemed to give a disgruntled wheek, but then sighed and shuffled to accommodate her. x)

They also have veggie tug of war fights, its soooo cute!

Does anyone else notice any relationships their piggies have with one another? I'm quite interested to hear what relationships large herds of pigs have with one another too! :)
Aww. I noticed this too. In my herd Sophie is the most popular and all the girls will groom her while she lies with her eyes closed apart from Marble who is boss. Peronel and Amelia Jane are twins and do not spend much time together but when they do Peronel always tries to annoy her!
Chip and Teaser definitely have the stereotypical huspig and wife relationship. My mum was watching them after feeding them veggies and Chip actually took a piece of pepper to Teaser then went to get his own. So sweet. They cuddle up in the same pigloo/box together and will follow each other round the cage and run when they're out!

Ozzy and Sora definitely have a 'bromance' relationship going on. Ozzy can't stand being away from Sora and if I'm holding Sora he will wheek and look around for him constantly till I put him back. We don't seem to have a dominant/subordinate relationship here - they're both equally laid back and just happy to have each other - bless them.

In the herd it changes every hour! I have noticed that my two oldest (Leah and Bean) snuggle up a lot with each other - they're not related. Tess and the boss Munchie can often be found cuddled up together, which is very sweet. Munchie appears to have taken Tess under her wing and while she will nip every so often when they're cuddled up (she cuddles up to Tess, not the other way round, and still likes to nip a little to let Tess know who's boss!) they're quite close! My big lass Willow quite likes the babies and will sleep in the same corner with them. But they will alternate who is their best friend at the moment - quite interesting to watch them. No one's ever lonely!

Einstein on the other hand is best friends with everyone, if you know what I mean ;) :x.
My 2 girls are sisters and they act as such. Most of the time they get on well, play together and share nicely. Other times they fall out and get a bit silly with each other.
They care alot for each other and they look where the other one has gone if they are taken out of the cage.
They make a lovely pair and I'm sure they prefer each others company rather than mine but I'm fine with that as they are lovely with each other :)
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