Hello, My guinea pig is always very active and running around. He gets very excited for his veggies and eats his hay and drinks his water. But this morning he looked sickly. He was not warm he was kinda cool. He also does not like to be picked up at all he always runs away and very hard to catch but I could easily pick him up. He was dragging his feet and when I picked him up his breathing was very raspy like he was gasping for air. So I took him to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet and turned on the shower to make steam cuz I thought that would help. But then he started to twitch and trying to get out of my arms. I quickly went into my living room and put him in a blanket trying to get him to calm down. And then my mom just told me to put him in his cage. Then he started going side ways and then he died. I don't understand why this happened?