Guinea Pig Putting Paws in Water Bowl


New Born Pup
Aug 20, 2022
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My guinea pig Adobo puts his paws in his water bowl every time he drinks. Is it like, a sign that he's hot? Maybe I'm just overreacting but he seems fine
And his water gets so dirty- because he also puts his paws in his pellet bowl and there's pellet dust on it and when he puts his paws in his water, it gets everywheree and I have to wash it more often
That’s normal piggy behaviour for you. 😀. Unfortunately you just have to clean it more often. You could try to see if he’d drink from a bottle.
That is just piggies for you. I tend to use water bottles for this reason, but some piggies prefer to lap water from a bowl. Some of the piggies who come into the rescue have only ever had a bowl for their water. Water bowls need changing and cleaning out several times a day. What sort of bowl are you using? Some are more difficult for them to tip over than others.
Judging by our pigs' behaviour around their pellet bowls (we often find poops in them, and I have seen the pigs standing in them with all 4 feet), they would be at least this bad if their water was in a bowl. They are just not tidy animals!
One of my past hamsters would stand in the water dish all the time. No reason, just for fun. We have water bottles for the pigs so they've never had an opportunity, but I think it's just silly animals being silly!