Guinea pig problem


New Born Pup
Apr 16, 2020
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Yesterday I was going to clean my guinea pigs hutch when I opened the door clean them he was lying flat on the floor that is when I realised he had sadly been dead for at least half an hour which has left his brother on his own
Now it the next day I have woken up to go and greet my lonely friend, he has not ate so this morning I retrieved him from his hutch and sat with him on my sofa and gave him a few slices of carrot (which he ate) and then he burried him self into my blanket and now is rapidly running around I am thinking about getting him a new friend today what do you recommend
I am sorry for your loss.

Guinea pigs grieve. The important thing at the moment is to ensure he stays well but keeping eating. You may need to syringe feed him if he stops eating. They do grieve and he will be ready for a new friend likely before you are but this can be anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.

You need To be aware that you cannot just go out and buy a new Guinea pig, put them together and expect everything to be ok. A successful bond comes entirely down to character compatibility and if you buy a piggy, you won’t know if they will be a match and could well fight. If you do do this, you will need to be prepared with another cage to separate them out if they don’t like each other and may have to live separately permanently . Any bonding needs to be done properly on neutral territory - don’t ever put a new piggy into another piggy cage as It will be seen as a territory invasion and cause fights.
The best way to find a new friend is via boar dating at a rescue centre. This ensures that a suitable piggy is found to guarantee a succcessful long term bond. Unfortunately due to lock downs, this is unlikely to be able to happen. Equally, pet shops should not currently be selling animals due to the lockdowns (the selling of animals is not an essential service)

Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig

These guides below detail how to do a bonding. As I say though, you must prepare for a worst case scenario of a failed bonding.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
I would probably get him a new friend today. Even if he is grieving, I think it will help a lot.
Thank you I have gotten him a new friend we let them bond in a run we built for free roaming and they are very happy we also now have 3 male guinea pigs and luckily they get on fine and are best friends
That was quick. Sorry about your piggie that died.
Have you cleaned the hutch etc why did he die was he ill. .
I'd read the help offered on here and keep a eye on them . . . Piggies do suffer and hide feelings
Thank you I have gotten him a new friend we let them bond in a run we built for free roaming and they are very happy we also now have 3 male guinea pigs and luckily they get on fine and are best friends

You need to be careful here - what are their ages? If two of them are young, then you are highly likely to end up with a failed relationship before they reach adulthood. Three boars together is highly unlikely to work out for the long term. You need to ensure you have a cage of three square metres to give each piggy a square metre territory. While lack of space can cause a problem, character compatibility is the major factor and it is very difficult to get that right in a boar trio
Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?