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Guinea pig poop stuck in bum and weird red dot


New Born Pup
Jun 28, 2021
Reaction score
I've recently moved with my 2 male guinea pigs (around 8 monthes old). One is spotted (Berry) and one is black (Bruno). They have been normal until the last few days where berry got very grumpy and kept picking fights. He has always picked fights before but it has never been this bad. When I took him out for the monthly nail trim, i noticed that his bum had a weird green substance stuck in his bum and around his penis. I tried to wash it off with both water and q tips but it wouldnt come off. Other than that, his poops seem normal. He has been eating normally. Then I noticed there was a strange red dot on his back leg.

I'm trying to get a vet but a lot of them are fully booked until next month at least.

Thanks guys!

Just wait for the substance to fall off on is own if it is not easily scrubbed off. Your boy has likely sat or scent marked in a pee puddle and then some yuck or vice versa.

Keep an eye on the dot and see a vet if necessary; if it gets bigger or id it develops into an area of hair loss and/or a scaly bald patch. It is impossible to say whether it could the start of a fungal skin infection, parasites or a developing lump. Right now, it is time for observation but not to panic. It you are lucky, it is just a little scratch that will heal off on its own. ;)