Guinea pig pining and failed bonding


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 11, 2019
Reaction score
East Midlands, UK
Sorry long post
So my sweet 6 year old sow rolo had to be pts on Thursday leaving behind 7 year old peanut who stopped eating and developed severe bloat.

I have a pair on bonded sows who I tried to bond with peanut the day after as she was really pining. Unfortunately the dominant of the pair brownie lunged at peanut and drew blood, as peanut is dominant too she wouldn’t back down but is smitten with the other pig, cinnamon and they have bonded I have separated brownie. She is doing ok alone but I don’t want her to be alone, would a baby sow be a good fit to try and bond with her? She is very dominant. I’m at such a loss it’s been so hard from losing rolo, to nearly losing peanut and then the failed bond I’m feeling defeated.

peanut is getting better from the bloat, her belly is back to normal, and she is eating ❤️
I am sorry to hear of your loss.

A baby sow can be a good friend for your girl, babies are often well accepted by both sexes. If she is showing signs of pining than it is definitely best you find her a friend as soon as possible.
You will have to take into account her age, as she is older there is a risk of increased illness/passing away from old age. That said, she may live for many years to come, I hope.

You could perhaps look into fostering/rescuing a piggy from a local rescue, as there are quite a few looking for homes all over the UK.
Good luck with however you decide to move forward x
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
I'm so sorry about Rolo, it sounds like you've had a very tough time. I wouldn't be sure what to suggest, but just wanted to offer sympathy 💐