A Guinea Pig
Teenage Guinea Pig
Please help!
Hi, I have a 2.5 year old female guinea pig. She has been having some milky white pee for the past few months, I am guessing about 8. I am aware that this is due to excess calcium. I have noticed that after several changes in her diet, it wouldn’t change back to the normal yellow I see in her other 2 cages mates. The other 2 guinea pigs are 1 year or less of age and we’re eating Oxbow baby guinea pig pellets for the first few months I had them. The guinea pig who had the problem had also eaten a few table spoons of those pellets in that timeframe. Now they are all eating Oxbow garden select pellets. That is mostly likely where her calcium has been coming from. But, I ran out, and they haven’t had any for about 3 weeks, (due to abnormally long delivery) she is still processing the same chalky pee. So I have about ruled out that the pellets are the problem.
Now I am looking at the hay, I have never feed Alfalfa. They do all eat Timothy. I looked up the calcium content of all hay and my local pet store had some Orchard Grass which was the lowest calcium and still nutrient hay they had. I got some of that and they have been having a mix of both Timothy and Orchard ever since.
After some even more, future, better research I learned that phosphorus is something that guinea pigs also need to grow properly just like calcium. I got some celery which I cut up into little chunks and feed them since the ration was 1.5:1 in Calcium in Phosphorus. I did give that to them in moderation since celery does have some oxidation.
Back when I first got my Guinea pig with the abnormal pee, I had gotten her from Petsmart with another female guinea pig. Then, I feed them pellets filled with corn, nuts and seeds. That is what leads me to the conclusion that the other one I had died. She had lost lots of weight, back then I just thought is was good she was getting less fat, but she may have died due to that food. My hypothesis is that crystals formed and she could no longer pee. However she never had the same white and gritty pee that my guinea pig has now. Very confusing.
Also, they are feed fresh veggies daily. Mostly things like carrots and strawberry tops.
Now my Guinea pig is losing weight.
In grams:
December 1st 2022
January 7th 2203
February 1st
Feb 25th
May 29
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 13
June 15
June 16
June 17
There has been very little difference in how she feels. Her hips are now able to be felt with a slightly form touch, meaning she is slightly less fat.
The change in weight has been very slow which is why she has not been taken to the vet.
Note: she has only been taken to the vet once due to her and her old cage mate having a fungal infection when I bought them.
Other notes: she is definitely not bullied by the other pigs, probably not a reason due to weight loss.
Please help! I don’t know what I am doing wrong!
Hi, I have a 2.5 year old female guinea pig. She has been having some milky white pee for the past few months, I am guessing about 8. I am aware that this is due to excess calcium. I have noticed that after several changes in her diet, it wouldn’t change back to the normal yellow I see in her other 2 cages mates. The other 2 guinea pigs are 1 year or less of age and we’re eating Oxbow baby guinea pig pellets for the first few months I had them. The guinea pig who had the problem had also eaten a few table spoons of those pellets in that timeframe. Now they are all eating Oxbow garden select pellets. That is mostly likely where her calcium has been coming from. But, I ran out, and they haven’t had any for about 3 weeks, (due to abnormally long delivery) she is still processing the same chalky pee. So I have about ruled out that the pellets are the problem.
Now I am looking at the hay, I have never feed Alfalfa. They do all eat Timothy. I looked up the calcium content of all hay and my local pet store had some Orchard Grass which was the lowest calcium and still nutrient hay they had. I got some of that and they have been having a mix of both Timothy and Orchard ever since.
After some even more, future, better research I learned that phosphorus is something that guinea pigs also need to grow properly just like calcium. I got some celery which I cut up into little chunks and feed them since the ration was 1.5:1 in Calcium in Phosphorus. I did give that to them in moderation since celery does have some oxidation.
Back when I first got my Guinea pig with the abnormal pee, I had gotten her from Petsmart with another female guinea pig. Then, I feed them pellets filled with corn, nuts and seeds. That is what leads me to the conclusion that the other one I had died. She had lost lots of weight, back then I just thought is was good she was getting less fat, but she may have died due to that food. My hypothesis is that crystals formed and she could no longer pee. However she never had the same white and gritty pee that my guinea pig has now. Very confusing.
Also, they are feed fresh veggies daily. Mostly things like carrots and strawberry tops.
Now my Guinea pig is losing weight.
In grams:
December 1st 2022
January 7th 2203
February 1st
Feb 25th
May 29
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 13
June 15
June 16
June 17
There has been very little difference in how she feels. Her hips are now able to be felt with a slightly form touch, meaning she is slightly less fat.
The change in weight has been very slow which is why she has not been taken to the vet.
Note: she has only been taken to the vet once due to her and her old cage mate having a fungal infection when I bought them.
Other notes: she is definitely not bullied by the other pigs, probably not a reason due to weight loss.
Please help! I don’t know what I am doing wrong!