New Born Pup
Hey I am very new here I apologize if this is the wrong forum or section to post in, but I have a 5,5 Year and a half Male Guinea pig named Pinky,
Yesterday he pooped and it has a little white liquid on it, I’ve never ever seen it at all, I am very worried and scared and sad
because I don’t wanna lose my boy, he’s extremely active, eats great , poops and pees normally, (except the white Liquid on his poop) Health wise he has no problems at all literally nothing just this, but I also noticed he had some white stain on his bed too not. A lot just. A little, I just wanna make sure it’s nothing to worry about or is it normal? Someone please help me
He eats Green peppers, Romaine lettuce, and Cucumbers, and Carrots and Celery leaves that’s it nothing else , he has Oxobow Orchard grass hay 24-7 fresh water and Oxobow pellets, can this be to much calcium? (NOTE) He does not act weird or or pain either when peeing or pooping just that white liquid on poop and stain on bed is just scaring me what can I do to make the white pee go? I don’t want it to get worst, thank you so much for helping me I appreciate so does pinky
Yesterday he pooped and it has a little white liquid on it, I’ve never ever seen it at all, I am very worried and scared and sad

He eats Green peppers, Romaine lettuce, and Cucumbers, and Carrots and Celery leaves that’s it nothing else , he has Oxobow Orchard grass hay 24-7 fresh water and Oxobow pellets, can this be to much calcium? (NOTE) He does not act weird or or pain either when peeing or pooping just that white liquid on poop and stain on bed is just scaring me what can I do to make the white pee go? I don’t want it to get worst, thank you so much for helping me I appreciate so does pinky