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Guinea Pig Pee Reddish


New Born Pup
Jul 18, 2023
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My guinea pig has been peeing with a small amount of red in it recently. We feed them a baby carrot every morning but stopped this morning to see if that is what was making his pee discolored. Attached is a picture of the pee before it dried.

He also sometimes makes soft weeking sounds when he pees...not sure if this is him saying it hurts :(

Any help much appreciated!

Any blood in pee is a medical emergency. Pink pee on the other hand could be from eating too many carrots. If a guinea pig is in pain while urinating it is probably the blood. Taking a guinea pig to the vet never hurts.
My Finn's pee is usually pink after he eats dandelion. Finn loves carrots too but carrots never caused pink pee.
The red is probably blood, your vet can verify it completely for you, until then it sounds like an emergency. Guinea pigs need to be taken to the vet yearly anyway.
Also, carrots should not be feed daily since they have a very high sugar content that can cause sores a guinea pigs mouth that prevent them from eating. Provide your guinea pig with one cup of bell peppers, romain lettuce or cilantro daily.

If you have noticed that Finn is not eating as much as normal, or you see smaller or less poop he needs to be syringe feed.

Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
My guinea pig has been peeing with a small amount of red in it recently. We feed them a baby carrot every morning but stopped this morning to see if that is what was making his pee discolored. Attached is a picture of the pee before it dried.

He also sometimes makes soft weeking sounds when he pees...not sure if this is him saying it hurts :(

Any help much appreciated!

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It doesn’t sound like an emergency, however, your piggy does need to be seen by a vet for a diagnosis.
This may or may not be blood (how it dries can help you to tell - blood dries brown and it can separate out into spots in a middle and can have a ring around the outside if there is a lot). There is a natural dye in the urine which can look like blood but is not, the dye is called porphyrins. It can be present at the start of cystitis or a UTI. Clear urine can also test positive for blood but not be visibly red. At the start of a UTI symptoms can be sporadic but become more regular as the infection takes hold.
The fact he is squeaking when peeing suggests there is some discomfort.
Please do have your piggy seen by a vet.

Switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily while there are health concerns. This will mean you can more closely monitor hay intake.

Carrot is not something guinea pigs should have. A very small piece (a small fraction of a baby carrot, never a whole baby carrot) very occasionally is fine as a treat but or should not be any more than once a week. Daily is far too often. Carrot contains too much sugar which can lead digestive problems by causing an imbalance in the gut bacteria.