Guinea Pig on desk?


New Born Pup
Dec 4, 2022
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I’m a student with two guinea pigs, just wondering if it’s okay for me to take my guinea pigs out sometimes and keep them for a little while on my desk while I study?
As there is a risk they could fall or of blind jumps, then it would be unsafe to have them on a table or desk. A fall from table height could be fatal for guinea pigs.
its safest for them to remain on the ground.
You can sit on a sofa with them in your lap for a cuddle but do ensure you are holding them securely so they can’t fall from a sofa.
Is there room on the desk for a little pen for them, so they can safely sit and eat snacks and keep you company while you work? Don't keep them in a confined space for long periods but they might enjoy it for short stretches if there's something tasty involved.

Alternatively set up a playpen for them on the floor beside you?
We often used to get into their floor time pen when the guinea pigs were out of their cage.
My kids would often sit or lay in there reading or doing homework, and the piggies would wander over and climb into their laps or nibble the pages of their book.
It was a very fun and safe experience for everyone, and the piggies were always free to walk off and do their own thing too.

I think in a small space on a desk they might feel scared and would also be at risk of jumping and falling.