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Guinea pig off balance


New Born Pup
Dec 7, 2022
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Bucky my guinea pig who is about 2 and a half years old within the last couple of hours has been off balance and vaguely twitching. For the couple days leading up to now he hasn't been eating all that much hay, his diet otherwise is normal as far as I know with the research I had done on websites like this one. What could have caused this?
Hi, I am sorry your little one is not well. I know guinea pigs need to constantly eat hay as it keeps their digestive system running smoothly, as far as I know, not eating an adequate amount of hay can lead to further health issues.

It sounds to me like Bucky is obviously suffering from some sort of health issue as you say he is off balance, this could be something like an ear infection or other various illnesses. This could be causing his apetite to decrease.

In my experience, when piggies get ill, they go downhill very quickly. If I were you, I would get him to a vet asap, preferably and exotics if possible. Someone else on the forum may have further advice but may not see your post until the morning. I hope he is OK.
I hope you can get Bucky seen as soon as possible. Can he walk at all or is he just laying down? Good luck. I hope it’s easily treatable.
Please switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily. This is your only guide as to how much hay your piggy is eating.
Hay is 80% of their daily food intake so it is essential they are eating the right amount to not lose weight each day.
Routine weight checks are essential to monitor their health. When they are feeling unwell, they of reduce their hay intake which will have a huge impact given if is the majority of what they need to eat in a day.
Still eating veg and pellets is not really relevant (although it is of course good), because they jointly are not high enough of food intake to maintain their weight or provide the essential fibre for gut function. Even If they are still eating veggies and pellets, but are no longer eating as much hay (even if they are still eating some hay) you must still syringe feed to replace the hay intake.

Stepping in with syringe feeding is an essential bridging support but you do need to have your piggy seen by a vet as soon as possible.

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures