Guinea Pig of the Month - July - Vote Now!

Which piggie should be crowned GPOTM July?

  • 1) Guinea

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2) Lennie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3) Weenie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4) Howie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5) Clover (Clo)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6) Ralfie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7) Pepper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8 ) Misci, Lady, Squeak and Choc Choc

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9) Poppy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10) Pumpkin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 11) Scuffy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 12) Tetley

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 13) Muffin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 14) Angus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 15) Jeremy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 16) Gideon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 17) Elvis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 18) Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 19) Herbie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20) Peony

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Forum Founder
Jan 23, 2006
Reaction score
1) Guinea


I would like to enter Guinea He's found life hard these past few months, after losing his companion of 4 years, he went through an awful lot of heart ache, he just wasn't the same guinea pig he used to be

Now though, he is now back to his normal cheeky self, as he's settled down with a new wife I am so happy he has found a lovely girly to live with for the rest of his days

2) Lennie


He spent his first 6 months living in a 2 foot by 1 foot box, ignored in a girls bedroom with her clothes and stuff thrown on top of the box. When he came to me he shook with fear and hid but with weeks of patience and care he is now such a chilled out dude. Six months on, he is so loving and thinks he owns the place

3) Weenie


I got her from a farm, they didnt know how old she was the man said she was about 2 weeks!?! She was the size of a small hamster, had scabby fur with lots of dander and bald spots. Never the less she came home with me and we bought her a friend who looked like a giant compared to her.
I syringe fed her lactol every 3 hours and she slowly began to put on weight, after the tin of lactol was empty she looked alot better, she had started to put on weight and become rounded like her friend. She became alot more tame and trusting and began to tuck into her veggies and hay. About 2 months after we got her she looked great, but then began loosing hair again and turned out she had mites. So she had about 4 weeks treatment for those and made a full recovery. She had a rough start in the world but is doing great now and is the sweetest thing ever

4) Howie


Here's my Howie. When i first saw him on Guinea Rehome he was in a rescue living on his own; sadly he'd lost his 3 previous partners & seemed such a lost soul when i first saw him. He came to live with me & my Lottie but sadly she too left him just 2 days later.
Howie's story has a happy ending, after living with Bijou, who he let "get away with murder" because he's so mild mannered he now lives with his 2 young wives; Lolly & Looby & has turned into quite a comedian.
This is him telling the "Wide Mouth Frog Joke"

5) Clover (Clo)

I would love to enter my baby Clo. This will sound like a sob story.. but she has been so brave. For the last year and a half of her life, she has lived alone (''mummy was told we usually only live until we are 5, and i was 6 at the time''). Since then clover has had a big op to remove cysts/be spayed. She took a long time to get back to being herself (i didn't think she would make it, but we got there in the end). Despite all the xrays, scans (being pinned by sand bags apparently ), being held on her back to treat her sores twice a day, going to the vet everyday for the last 2 weeks for injections and not to mention the kidney stones she's had to endure, she's such a little character. Up until recently, she used to love to trot up and down the hall after me (squeaking as she goes), lick & nibble my hands, climb into anything baggy that i'm wearing, help me groom her (i start to clean one part of her, and she starts on that bit too with me) & when you scratch her back, she stretches out like a cat and does a big yawn (it's so cute). She is so very poorly now, and the very hard decision has been made for her to go to the rainbow bridge. She brought so much happiness to us all in our family.

6) Ralfie


Ralfie had spent all of his life living in Pets at Home in Rugby. The staff had given him lots of love and attention but it wasn't like having a forever home. He had a best friend and he really wanted to go to a new home with this special friend of his. Sadly his friend became ill and died and Ralfie was all alone and very sad!

They wanted to find him a special home and they decided they would like either me or Ellie to have him. He came to live with me and although he was happy around so many other piggies he still needed a special friend. We found Berby on the Guinea Pig Rehome site and he became his special cage mate and they settled down very quickly together.

Sadly the very next week Mr Tiggy left us for the Bridge and his son Joe was left all alone! We worried that Joe would pine for his dad and for a few days he didn't eat very much and sat in the corner of his cage looking very sad!

Joe loved looking into Ralfie and Berby's cage and watching them running around playing so I decided to try putting them all together. It was a great success!

Now Ralfie has two very special friends and he and Berby have made Joe a very happy little man again!

7) Pepper


Pepper (and Beauty) came to me on Boxing Day 2006, their previous owners no longer wanted to them and had gotten bored. They lived in a tiny hutch outside throughout the winter with only eachother for warmth. They lived on very dirty woodshavings (their owners didn't think, oh someones coming to collect them lets clean them out) with no hay, and were also never fed veggies. Since coming to me they have both been very skittish but have now got into a routine and they certainly let us know when it's dinner time! Pepper was a lot more skittish than Beauty but he is finally coming round. Okay, so they both still run a marathon when they see me coming but we're getting there, and they will finally relax when they're out of the cage now.

8 ) Misic, Lady, Squeak and Choc Choc


9) Poppy


i want to enter my poppy because when i got her she had came from a bad home and was not looked after and she had many problems and was afraid of humans but shes totally changed now that shes looked after.she is always popcorning and just a really funny guinea pig.shes still a baby really.shes only 4 and a half months

10) Pumpkin


I thought id post one of my new adopted boys Pumpkin they are so adorable and deserve to be shown in the limelight !

I love them deeply and everyone who visits would love to pignap them !

11) Scuffy


ill enter scuffy he was ment to be a friends guinea pig i was just looking after but when the day came to give him to her i just couldn't so we brought him to females he made them pregnant the livid together he then got move out later and got same male friends but was still able to see the girls and occasional got in to the girls cage now lives with his son
when i got told a few months ago at a guinea pig show that i met lose them due to not looking after them and some stuff which was not true and that got taken to far i sat in the corner with him for the whole day he is always the first pig i take out to hug when I'm sad and is the most kindest little guy and ive had him the longest

12) Tetley


Tetley has just had surgery to remove a bladder stone and the poor little chap is feeling very sorry for himself. He was taken ill very suddenly and had to have immediate surgery. He is recovering slowly although he is obviously still in some pain and he currently has 6 staples holding his tummy together!

13) Muffin


I would like to nominate my Muffin, she and Crumpet were dumped in a cage outside a petshop in Aberdeen and Muffin was all scabby and sad. shes really picked up and just has the most innocent face a piggie mummy could ask for She came to me during a time I was really depressed and felt my life wasnt worth living and i can honestly say she and Crumpet changed my life and brought some happiness back into it Heres my wonderful girl being so good after her bath...

14) Angus


I dont really know why... he is so special in every way... and so unique... he has so much attitude and is a cheeky lil piggy, always trying to get to the girls He doesnt get along with other boars, he recently has a big fight with Wilson and was seperated, he hasnt been the same, happy, adventurous piggy since then... he is so lonley, but is too young for neautering and doesnt get along with boars...

15) Jermey


I'd like to nominate Jeremy. He came to us from a rescue in March - he had been very well looked after but he had had to be separated from his lady piggy and his family as he was a bit naughty and kept bonking them (!), so he was a bit lost and lonely when he first came to us, but we introduced him to Tiger and although there's been a bit of hair-pulling, he has come on in leaps and bounds (and popcorns) and now, full of confidence, leads exploratory expeditions into the far reaches of the conservatory with the fearlessness and intrepidation of Indiana Jones!

16) Gideon


i'd like to nominate gideon as he'll be 7 months old today and that is something i never thought he would reach he's been through so much in his short piggy life and he's never stopped fighting once he is such a character
he is my angel and i'm nominating him because he is such a brave little piggy

17) Elvis


ill enter elvis hes a good guinea pig even if he hides from me when where playing games. he is adorable and makes me laugh.

18) Jasmine


this is my little pig Jasmine. To me she is the sweetest and cutest guinea pig i have ever seen. i am new to this photo contest thing but i think this photo is a keeper. So who ever is out there voting please chose my little Jasmine

19) Herbie


I would like to nominate my little gorgeous piggy Herbie (well he is gorgeous to me)

I found him one night in my parents back garden as someone had just dumped him there (they have 6 foot fences all around so unless he is magic he couldn't climb them) I have loved him and looked after him ever since I found him last September.

20) Peony


Some people's pictures have not worked - If yours is one of the ones which hasn't, you can either enter your piggie next month or email me your pictures to [email protected] asap

You can only vote once

You were meant to have till Monday to vote but as I have put this up late, you can have till Tuesday - Get voting!
Gosh that was soooo hard to vote, all of the piggies deserve to win! :) Good luck everyone.

(hope it's okay to reply to this, yeah? :P)
Marty entered Pepe and me Dylan but they are not in the voting thingie - is this because their pics did not come out? They appear in our screens?
OMG so many gorgeous guineas and all worthy of winning, that was sooooo difficult

Love them all :smitten:
Ooooh I am very taken with one in particular - can a guinea pig be a nephew? well if they can I've voted for my old nephew! :smitten:
I know it sounds bad but I wish someone would put a piggy in my garden... ;)
lol gp-d yes i know i couldn't believe my luck either. I had been nagging my folks and my OH if i could have one and they said no. and then one day hey presto someone drops a guinea pig in the back garden of my folks house.

and before anyone thinks this is a fake story i can assure you it is not i would never lie about anything like that.

All i can say is I'm so grateful Herbie came into my life as I ADORE HIM
So THATS why you called him Hebie ;D Your secret is safe with us :D :D
pmsl oh god i wish i had planted him but no he really was dumped poor thing he is so loving (although a bit jealous of my OH)

He is called Herbie because he reminds me of the VW Beetle in the films as when he is out he runs around so fast lol.

Thank you all for voting for him maybe one day he might win.

Congrats to clover for winning

Oooo, I cant believe Lennie got joint 2nd! Thanks to those that voted for him O0 Congratulations to darling Clover, a very worthy winner :smitten:
Aw, I'm glad Clover won, but they are all so lovely it was a difficult choice!

Are we going to have these each month? I hope so as it is nice to read a bit about everyone's piggies!
:smitten: I have just fallen in love with Herbie :smitten:
He has such a cheeky look about him 8)
Oops i didn't know this had ended! Thanks so much for voting for my little angel. It was just today we got a lovely card from her vet, saying how sorry he is and how lovely clover was. She really was a special little girl, such a fighter, she seemed like she could overcome anything but was just too old to fight the kidney failure :'(

I miss her so much, everytime i pass where her cage was i still go to talk to her! I don't know when it will sink in that she's not there. but anyway, enough of me rabbiting on (or pigging' on).

I feel bad that some beautiful and brave piggies didn't win also! I hope everyone gets to win in time, and i'll be voting come august :)

Hugs and squeaks,
Nici and angel Clo
Hi Clover_kins,

Let me just say that Clo was a beautiful guinea pig and deserved to win (Everyone else deserved to win too) but she was a beautiful little girl and will be missed very much by all i reckon.

Just remember all the good times you had with her and know that she is in a better place now as you would never have wanted her to suffer.

I am so glad I own a guinea pig as I never realised how much love and fun they can give you, and it's all thanks to the lovely people on here that I know how to take care of him properly and Herbie thanks you all too.

Sarah and Herbie x
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