Guinea pig not wanting to eat hay


New Born Pup
Sep 25, 2023
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Hello everyone, my guinea pig he doesn’t want to eat his hay anymore. I give him lettuce, bell peppers, carrots, and cucumbers sometimes. He always has hay in his cage accessible to him. When I enter the room, he begins to wheek very loudly and he won’t stop. I feel bad and give in and give him lettuce or something else. He then stops. Does anyone else have this problem? Maybe I’m enabling him and spoiling him too much😩.
You must not give in to him! Piggies will beg for more food and the more you give in, the more he will do it.
You need to make sure he is always eating plenty is hay.
Stick to the recommended one cup of veg per pig per day.

Make sure you weigh them every week as part of routine care - it’s the only way to ensure your piggies are eating enough hay.

Don’t give carrots very often - they are too high I sugar and aren’t a suitable food. Only give a very small amount and no more than once a week.
The safe daily veg are peppers, cucumber, lettuce and cilantro.

Weight - Monitoring and Management
Think of it like letting a child eat sweets for every meal. Be strong and don't give in. If you want to spoil them there are some lovely "treat" hays available that have bits of forage in (they smell amazing) and hay cookies are good for spoiling them. Mine love to rip them apart.
It sounds as if you are being trained by your piggy.
If anyone approaches mine they’re instantly at the bars demanding food.
A piggy will eat hay, you may just not be seeing it.