Hi, I got a guinea pig last weekend at a very reliable guinea pig rescue. They even gave her a full exam before I took her home, they felt she was in perfect condition and so did I (I am a fairly experienced owner). After the first day I noticed she was not moving from a corner in her cage, I quickly became anxious that she wasn't eating and drinking, because I hadn't seen her. I got her to eat a carrot and then I gave her water by syringe. Next I set up a camera to monitor any movement...incase she was just shy when I was in the room. She has been eating and drinking very small amounts on her own, but only once every 3-6 hours, verses my other piggie that eats at least once an hour. She is also very inactive in her cage overall. (Also i have started hand feeding her!). Her droppings don't look really bad, but they're a bit mis-shapen and small, which is consistent with the amount she's eating. The strange thing is that she has no other signs of illness, her breathing is good, no discharge, her eyes are bright and not sunken, her fur looks nice. Even weirder than that, she acts healthy when out of her cage...running around, curiously investigating, chewing on anything available, and then I put her back in her cage, she runs to the corner, freezes, and will stay like that for hours then. She's still been eating fresh treats too. I started monitoring her weight as well, and in 24 hrs she didn't loose weight (I haven't had the chance to check her weight yet today, I will check as soon as possible). I have already called 4 vets, the soonest anyone can see her is next Monday. I'm wondering if she developed an eating disorder from the stress of adoption...new environment, loss of her former cage mates etc. She also seemed particularly traumatized after the car ride (which was an hour)...I could almost not get her to move at first, I was so worried she had already passed or something, because she was soooo still. Anyways, I need help please. Any thoughts are appreciated. Also about eating disorders... if that's it, do such disorders resolve themselves after a while or what?