Hi All,
I am from India. My baby girl Frida Kahlo was diagnosed with a dental over growth in May. We swiftly moved and got her burring done which was unsuccessful. We changed vets and took her to another one who trimmed her incisors and further burred her molars. Much to our dismay she still didn't eat on her own and we had to keep syringe feeding her.
On July 3, we took her to another city where we showed her to one of the most renowned vets. She identified molar overgrowth and trapped tongue. The doctor also mentioned she has a birth defect with the dental plane and prefers to chew more form one side than another. Her molars were promptly trimmed and she showed some improvement in terms of picking up wet pellet food and making an attempt to eat. Unfortunately this didn't last long and soon she refused any solids. So we continued cc while trying to get her on to solids. She still seemed reluctant after two weeks and on July 20th was again flown to the vet's . CT confirmed the tooth was pushing the bone. Also it had grown back to form a bridge and her tongue was trapped. We were left with no option but extraction which happened on Sunday, 23 Rd July. It is now 27 and frida refuses to eat by herself..she prefers syringe only. Does anyone have any experience with this? Please can someone suggest how we can get our baby girl to eat again? How long does it take for them to bounce back to solid foods after pre-molar extraction? A step by step guide will be immensely useful.
I am from India. My baby girl Frida Kahlo was diagnosed with a dental over growth in May. We swiftly moved and got her burring done which was unsuccessful. We changed vets and took her to another one who trimmed her incisors and further burred her molars. Much to our dismay she still didn't eat on her own and we had to keep syringe feeding her.
On July 3, we took her to another city where we showed her to one of the most renowned vets. She identified molar overgrowth and trapped tongue. The doctor also mentioned she has a birth defect with the dental plane and prefers to chew more form one side than another. Her molars were promptly trimmed and she showed some improvement in terms of picking up wet pellet food and making an attempt to eat. Unfortunately this didn't last long and soon she refused any solids. So we continued cc while trying to get her on to solids. She still seemed reluctant after two weeks and on July 20th was again flown to the vet's . CT confirmed the tooth was pushing the bone. Also it had grown back to form a bridge and her tongue was trapped. We were left with no option but extraction which happened on Sunday, 23 Rd July. It is now 27 and frida refuses to eat by herself..she prefers syringe only. Does anyone have any experience with this? Please can someone suggest how we can get our baby girl to eat again? How long does it take for them to bounce back to solid foods after pre-molar extraction? A step by step guide will be immensely useful.