my 2 year old boy had his teeth trimmed for the first time last week (small molar overgrowth and evening out front teeth after one of them being broken). My problem is he's not started eating hay or pellets again since then. He is interested in it, he sniffs it and nibbles on it a little bit but is very picky about which pieces of hay he will or will not eat. He usually just picks out the thick hard straws. The fine pieces he keeps dropping. At first I thought maybe he's not confident in his grip after the tooth trim but he has no problem absolutely demolishing any vegetable we throw at him, even played a bit of tug of war with me with a piece of parsley. He is also ok with grass, but i don't want to give him too much as he's not used to eating it regurarly and i don't want to upset his stomach or something. We supplement the food with critical care and mushed pellets. He can take more critical care in one sitting than he was when we first brought him home so that makes me a bit hopeful.
He was at the vet for two days for observation after the trim, had an x-ray made and the vet didnt see anything wrong with him. They checked his urine and that was also ok. Weight has been pretty stable for the last week - it's low, but it's not going down except for some normal fluctuation.
His body language is pretty normal, he's not as active because he doesn't eat that much, but he's lively, aware of his surroundings, doesn't show any visible signs of pain. I even saw him popcorn a little bit.
Is this a normal thing that happens after a tooth trim?
my 2 year old boy had his teeth trimmed for the first time last week (small molar overgrowth and evening out front teeth after one of them being broken). My problem is he's not started eating hay or pellets again since then. He is interested in it, he sniffs it and nibbles on it a little bit but is very picky about which pieces of hay he will or will not eat. He usually just picks out the thick hard straws. The fine pieces he keeps dropping. At first I thought maybe he's not confident in his grip after the tooth trim but he has no problem absolutely demolishing any vegetable we throw at him, even played a bit of tug of war with me with a piece of parsley. He is also ok with grass, but i don't want to give him too much as he's not used to eating it regurarly and i don't want to upset his stomach or something. We supplement the food with critical care and mushed pellets. He can take more critical care in one sitting than he was when we first brought him home so that makes me a bit hopeful.
He was at the vet for two days for observation after the trim, had an x-ray made and the vet didnt see anything wrong with him. They checked his urine and that was also ok. Weight has been pretty stable for the last week - it's low, but it's not going down except for some normal fluctuation.
His body language is pretty normal, he's not as active because he doesn't eat that much, but he's lively, aware of his surroundings, doesn't show any visible signs of pain. I even saw him popcorn a little bit.
Is this a normal thing that happens after a tooth trim?