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Guinea pig noises


New Born Pup
Jun 5, 2019
Reaction score
My guinea pig makes noises from time to time it’s hard to explain i do have a video to show if anyone is able to help me, but sometimes it sounds like he’s struggling for breath or when he’s eating like he’s in pain, it’s never constant just sometimes when he’s lying down or when he’s eating, sometimes it’s just little chatters or sometimes it’s a random squeak, he still act fine and popcorns around as usual and has no other bad signs I’ve noticed, i want to make sure he’s not in pain or anything D:
If you can upload the video to a third party site like YouTube, Facebook or photobucket you should be able to copy the link into a post on here for members to view. Unfortunately the forum cannot host videos

It sounds like this, it’s not constant but occasionally, they’ll do it for a while then either sneeze and stop or just stop, sometimes when lying down, sometimes when eating, just want to make sure it’s nothing bad but was wondering whether they both have a uri as they both do ir from time to time, took them to the vets about a month ago after i first got them and they had a complete bill of health but this seems to have cropped up out of nowhere, wondering whether it might be the sawdust? Or the hay? Or dust from the carpet of the room they play in? I’m not sure but just wondered if anyone had a bit of advice:)

It sounds like this, it’s not constant but occasionally, they’ll do it for a while then either sneeze and stop or just stop, sometimes when lying down, sometimes when eating, just want to make sure it’s nothing bad but was wondering whether they both have a uri as they both do ir from time to time, took them to the vets about a month ago after i first got them and they had a complete bill of health but this seems to have cropped up out of nowhere, wondering whether it might be the sawdust? Or the hay? Or dust from the carpet of the room they play in? I’m not sure but just wondered if anyone had a bit of advice:)

If you think it could be from the dust, you could try to open the windows to get some fresh air in. However, I don't want to give the wrong advice about why your piggie is breathing like that. Unfortunately, I don't know what causes that type of breathing :/ I would recommend you bring piggie to the vet again to get a definite answer.
I think il have to dig my headphones out and listen soon👍.

I think its likely to be a combination of the woodshavings and hay. All pigs sneeze a few times a day from sniffing through hay to find the best bit. If they have no signs of runny eyes or nose and have a full appetite, i think they are fine.

If you do notice any of them hunched in a corner hiding and not eating then this will be a sign something is up. Being prey animals they dont want to get noticed by predators as being easy to pick off out of the herd. Predators like to save as much energy as possible and go for the weaker sick prey animals. Like lions pick off weak or young prey.

Its good that you are on the ball spotting things you are not sure about. This is key to catching early signs of illnesses
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