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Guinea pig nipple issues


New Born Pup
Oct 6, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Hi, I have a female guinea pig who about 5 years old who I rescued recently and I’ve noticed her nipples are always quite puffy and sore and also chaffed she doesn’t have cysts she’s been cleared from that she does have hormonal lumps that come and go but they aren’t serious. I just wanted some tips on how to make her more comfy I don’t have any history on her as she was basically dumped at the shelter I work at and so I took her home she was covered in feces and I thought after she had been cleaned and been taken care of the puffiness and irritation would go away but it doesn’t. I currently moisturize her nipples every other day with coconut oil and she has her soft blankets with pee pads under them in her cage she also has a little litter box that has bedding under it. I just want to make her as comfy as possible since she is old and she’s definitely had multiple litters she also get lots of gunk on them mostly her one black nipple she has a pink and black one. Thank you for any help you give!
I am very sorry that your poor girl was dumped at the shelter but well done you for taking her home. Has she been given an ultrasound to rule out ovarian cysts? Sometimes they’re that small that even an ultrasound doesn’t pick them up. Sorry I’m not much help x
Hi, I have a female guinea pig who about 5 years old who I rescued recently and I’ve noticed her nipples are always quite puffy and sore and also chaffed she doesn’t have cysts she’s been cleared from that she does have hormonal lumps that come and go but they aren’t serious. I just wanted some tips on how to make her more comfy I don’t have any history on her as she was basically dumped at the shelter I work at and so I took her home she was covered in feces and I thought after she had been cleaned and been taken care of the puffiness and irritation would go away but it doesn’t. I currently moisturize her nipples every other day with coconut oil and she has her soft blankets with pee pads under them in her cage she also has a little litter box that has bedding under it. I just want to make her as comfy as possible since she is old and she’s definitely had multiple litters she also get lots of gunk on them mostly her one black nipple she has a pink and black one. Thank you for any help you give!

Hi and welcome

Has the vet checked her for a potential infection in her nipples, especially in view of the appalling conditions she was rescued from?

It is generally the small actively growing cysts that cause the major hormonal problems, not the larger ones.
I am very sorry that your poor girl was dumped at the shelter but well done you for taking her home. Has she been given an ultrasound to rule out ovarian cysts? Sometimes they’re that small that even an ultrasound doesn’t pick them up. Sorry I’m not much help x
Yes she has my vet did a radiograph and ultrasounds to make sure there’s no cysts thankfully!
poor little girl, thank goodness you have taken her on, well done you