Guinea Pig missing teeth, heavy breathing, opening closing mouth


New Born Pup
Aug 9, 2016
Reaction score
Kent, UK
I woke up this morning and my little boy Mochi (4 years old) was looking a bit down, he's a bit more wobbly on his feet, he's breathing slightly harder and upon inspection both of his bottom teeth have snapped, one is still slightly visible the other looks to be either complete gone or down in the gum.

He's already on Antibiotics and Pain relief from a Marsupialization he had on his Chin about 2 weeks ago (A shard of another tooth was stuck in the cheek),

I was cleaning it this morning when I noticed the teeth.

When wandering around his cage he isn't eating but is periodically opening his mouth but not gasping for air.

I have listened to his chest as best I can and unlike one that we had before that had a URI there is no clickyness or wheezing.

Is this just because he's in pain from the teeth? Do I need to ring the ooh emergency vet or can he wait til tomorrow (when I have a final follow up appointment anyway) if I syringe feed him CC?
So sorry to hear this. Perhaps there was an infection that spread. Poor little fellow. Very sad for you to lose your piggy. Rest easy at the bridge Mochi🌈
He has unfortunately just crossed the rainbow bridge, there was not pain, he just laid down and went within 5 minutes.


I am so very sorry. It sounds like his body was closing down and he was in respiratory distress (could be from acute heart failure as well). It is unfortunately rather distressing to witness when you have never come up against it before and are not braced for it.

Thankfully, piggies are usually out of it by the later stages. It is more traumatising for the human to watch.

If you have the need to make more sense of what you have gone through (a natural death/multiple organ failure) then this guide here may help you:

I am moving your thread to our Bereavement Support Corner for further community support for you and any piggy companion for all the little and larger questions and support needs you may have in the coming days. I am so very sorry about the timing.