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Guinea pig metacam dose


New Born Pup
May 21, 2022
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Hi everyone,

I’ve posted about my guinea pig tony before, hes been losing a lot of weight and the vet can’t find the cause despite doing a lot of different tests. They’re going to refer me to a specialist but in the mean time have given me metacam as he seems to be in pain. He’s barely eating hay, just a couple of strands and the rest of the time is sitting hunched in the corner or lying down exhausted. It looks like he’s in pain and can’t get comfortable / is tossing and turning and also barbering a lot.

The vet has prescribed 0.16ml of the cat metacam dosage once a day. I tried asking about the dog version but he said it’s not licensed for guinea pigs. Ive read on here lots of varying does but that 1.2ml can safely be given to guinea pigs twice a day. I decided to give him 0.16ml twice today as he still seemed in pain a few hours after the first dose. But there still doesn’t seem to be any improvement.
So my question is should I be giving him a lot more? The 0.32ml he’s had today is a lot less than 1.2ml so maybe it’s not taking the pain away. :(
The dog version isn’t licensed for piggies but knowledgeable and exotic vets still prescribe it knowing it’s stronger and that piggies can take higher doses and need it twice a day.
Doses needs to be based on a piggy’s weight and clinical need and only the vet can tell you what to gbe
Amount that can safely be prescribed depends on your piggies weight so I wouldn't compare it to others threads on here. I would look for a piggy savvy vet to discuss with. Sometimes vets like to start low and increase if necessary. Also there will be something causing the weight loss, it does not necessarily have to be a pain response but that could be why the metacam isn't making an improvement.

Hopefully your appointment with the specialist comes through soon so they can start trying to get to the root of the problem
The dog version isn’t licensed for piggies but knowledgeable and exotic vets still prescribe it knowing it’s stronger and that piggies can take higher doses and need it twice a day.
Doses needs to be based on a piggy’s weight and clinical need and only the vet can tell you what to give. What we can say is that piggies can take higher doses and that if he still seems to be in pain, then it is likely he isn’t getting enough
Is it still the case that cat metacam is only licensed in certain situations as well? Or has that changed again?
I’m pretty sure that the 1.2ml is based on a piggy weighing 1kg
Following that ratio I should be able to give him 1.02ml safely. I don’t want to give him that much just thought 0.16ml once per day seems very low and I hate to think of him in pain and being distressed.

I’m getting the impression the weight loss is a result of him not eating hay and he’s not eating hay because he’s in pain?It’s not that he’s eating normally and just not putting on weight.

He also seems more agitated and has been chattering which he never did before.

The referral can’t come soon enough! My poor boy :(
Is it still the case that cat metacam is only licensed in certain situations as well? Or has that changed again?
As far as I know dog Metacam isn’t licensed for use in guinea pigs at all. Cat Metacam is licensed in guinea pigs for pain relief following soft tissue surgery. But not for anything else. So as most of the time vets are prescribing Metacam off licence it is their choice. Cat Metacam is weaker and far more expensive. Most exotics vets will prescribe dog Metacam, as it is stronger and you need less to achieve a satisfactory level of pain relief.
Following that ratio I should be able to give him 1.02ml safely. I don’t want to give him that much just thought 0.16ml once per day seems very low and I hate to think of him in pain and being distressed.

I’m getting the impression the weight loss is a result of him not eating hay and he’s not eating hay because he’s in pain?It’s not that he’s eating normally and just not putting on weight.

He also seems more agitated and has been chattering which he never did before.

The referral can’t come soon enough! My poor boy :(
I would speak to your vet and ask them for a higher and stronger dose of Metacam while you are waiting for the referral. In the meantime if the weight loss is persisting, have you stepped in with some support feeding via syringe to help maintain his weight?
As far as I know dog Metacam isn’t licensed for use in guinea pigs at all. Cat Metacam is licensed in guinea pigs for pain relief following soft tissue surgery. But not for anything else. So as most of the time vets are prescribing Metacam off licence it is their choice. Cat Metacam is weaker and far more expensive. Most exotics vets will prescribe dog Metacam, as it is stronger and you need less to achieve a satisfactory level of pain relief.

I thought that was still the case. My usual vets tried that one once when I asked for the dog version and I pointed out the cat one wasn't licenced for what they were prescribing for but they still didn't do it