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Guinea pig meowing?


New Born Pup
Sep 23, 2021
Reaction score
My Guinea pig is eating hay right now and hes making weird meowing type noise then wiping his nose, maybe a groan type noise? but it really sounds like a somewhat low meow

edit: he has lavender bedding I got yesterday and this just started
hes also eating and drinking
A sound is a very difficult thing for us to interpret.
Its possible a scented bedding is causing the problem - any scents should be avoided around guinea pigs - but please do see a vet if you are concerned and if he is having any breathing issues
A sound is a very difficult thing for us to interpret.
Its possible a scented bedding is causing the problem - any scents should be avoided around guinea pigs - but please do see a vet if you are concerned and if he is having any breathing issues
its definitely the bedding, I will tell my mother about this thank you, he doesnt do this when hes not around the bedding