Mother Jac
New Born Pup
My guinea pig who is nearly 8 is making a strange whooing sound. Does anyone know what it could mean?
I have an appointment for tomorrow morning but just wondered if anyone has had experience of this.If your guinea pig is making strange noises my advice is take them to the vet especially at the advanced age of 8.
Thank you, he is not wheezing or noisy breathing just the whooing ever so often. I was hoping for an appointment today but wasn’t possible.Generally speaking, a hooting from the nose is irritation or obstruction in the airway. Usually cleared by a good sneeze. If sneezing doesn’t clear it see a vet.
Wheezing, noisy breathing or clicking from the chest is of concern. Always require a vet check.
it’s good you’ve got an appointment booked. Hope your piggy is ok
Thank you.Good luck at the vets tomorrow!